Feature #12626
Updated by Tom Clegg over 6 years ago
New API endpoint: @POST /arvados/v1/users/merge@ * Authorization header has valid API token for the "old" account * new_user_token (post form param in request body) has valid API token for the "new" account * new_owner_uuid (post form param in request body) has either new user's UUID, or a group UUID writable by the new user * redirect_to_new_user=true (optional) Security checks * Current token ("old account") has scopes=["all"] * new_user_token ("new account") has scopes=["all"] * API logs show the UUID of the corresponding api_client_auth record instead of merge_into_token Actions * Move all records (groups, links, collections, jobs, pipelines, container requests, etc) owned by the old user into new_owner_uuid (this is typically a new empty project or a new user who doesn't own anything, so name conflicts would be a surprise/error) * Update links set tail_uuid=new_user_uuid where tail_uuid=old_user_uuid Additional actions if redirect_to_new_user=true * Set old user's redirect_to_user_uuid field to the new user's UUID * Move old user's SSH keys to the new user * Ensure API tokens associated with old user are left alone. After the merge, they will give access to the new account. * Update links with head_uuid = old user to point to new user ...if redirect_to_new_user=false * Leave old user's redirect_to_user_uuid field alone * Delete old user's SSH keys * Leave old user's API tokens alone * Leave links with head_uuid = old user alone. This is all done in a transaction: if anything fails, the entire operation is cancelled. Implementation * New column (users.redirect_to_user_uuid) is needed. * #12995 and #12703 are blocked only by the redirect_to_new_user=true case.