


Idea #14645

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

Record Report client latency for each FUSE operation in arv-mount. on keep requests. 

 GET average latency (across all keepstores; parameterized by keepstore) (if possible, time to first byte) 
 PUT average latency (across all keepstores; parameterized by keepstore) 

 GET average transfer speed (across all keepstores; parameterized by keepstore) 
 PUT average transfer speed (across all keepstores; parameterized by keepstore) 

 Average over: last 30 seconds, last 5 minutes, since start. 

 Use @prometheus_client@ Python library to aggregate counters/averages, read them  
 back out and report them in current crunchstat format. 

 Report operation time and operation count totals and interval    Because the counters are in crunchstat. @arvados.keep.KeepClient@ this means @prometheus_client@ will become a dependency of @arvados-python-client@. 
