


Feature #14706

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 6 years ago

The container request record lists the most recent container attempted to fulfill the request.    This means when a failed container is retried, previous failed attempts are not visible to the user.    This obscures the fact that retries occurred, and sometimes hinders debugging failed containers. 


 Need a column that has uuids of all containers.    Can use array column, eg, or JSONB column.   

 Current data model has "container_uuid" as a singular value.    Would be a backwards compatibility problem if that changed to be an array.    API should report past attempts in a separate field, like "past_container_uuids". 

 Unclear if it would be better in the underlying database to have a single array column, or retain container_uuid column and add a past_container_uuids column. 

 Need to be able to join array column to grant read permission to container records.    Section 8.15.5 of postgres docs suggest this is something like: 

 container.uuid = ANY (container_request.past_container_uuids) 
