


Idea #13110

Updated by Tom Morris over 5 years ago


 * Cache filesystem objects in keep-web, instead of rebuilding from manifest on each request → less time, more RAM 
 * Reduce memory use (e.g., pass keepclient pointer into storedSegment methods instead of keeping a copy in the struct) 
 * Incremental loading (don't populate a dirnode until someone accesses it) 
 * Cache/evict partial data blocks 
 * Test/benchmark using a variety of webdav clients (Windows, linux davfs, OSX?) 

 From #13272: 

 Cache the filesystem layout, so a sequence of N webdav requests with the same token and same/overlapping paths don't need to retrieve the whole filesystem layout from API server N times 
 Use a single cache entry for any given {collection, token} tuple, regardless of whether it's accessed via /c=UUID/, /by_id/UUID/, /by_id/PDH/, /users/alice/foo/, etc.
