


Task #15041

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 5 years ago



 * Need to rename the package, this is probably just a matter of editing "settings.gradle".    The legacy package was called "arvados-sdk-1.0" and the new package was called "arvados-java-2.0" so I think we want to rename it to something like "arvados-java-sdk-1.x" or "arvados-java-client-1.x" so it doesn't conflict with past packages and we can reset the version series to match our release schedule. 

 * Need to generate package versions that are in sync with our other packages.    This should use the same approach (latest git tag + timestamp of latest commit to the  
 arvados/sdk/java-v2 directory) we use to generate the version for the Python client. 

 * Need to publish the artifact is a maven-compatible repo (so it can be pulled by maven / gradle / etc build systems conveniently).    Either we set up our own on, or push to something like maven central. 

 * Update the documentation to explain how to fetch the package from the artifact repo.
