


Bug #15851

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 5 years ago

federation is breaking here 22:42:23       /var/lib/cwl/stg7a0e7345-aadf-4b47-9dc1-253daca1b104/ 
 22:42:26 Traceback (most recent call last): 
 22:42:26     File "/var/lib/cwl/stg7a0e7345-aadf-4b47-9dc1-253daca1b104/", line 32, in <module> 
 22:42:26       for c in cols["items"]: 
 22:42:26 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable 

 (09:22:33 AM) Fernando Monserrat: and run-cwl-test-xxx here 22:42:35     """,    category=CWLToolDeprecationWarning) 
 22:42:35 ERROR Workflow error, try again with --debug for more information: 
 22:42:35 'items' 

 (09:24:34 AM) tetron: did we turn on the EnableBetaController around that time? 

 (09:31:33 AM) ward: tetron: Nov 6 17:06 UTC is when we set    EnableBetaController14287: true on our dev clusters
