


Bug #14990

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago

Attempting to navigate to an unknown path should produce an error message. Examples where there is not currently the case include: - This spins forever ("project" misspelled) - also spins forever (last character of uuid is missing) - loads an empty project page instead of returning an error saying non-existent project 

 Possibly relevant - 

 This should mimic workbench1’s behavior as much as possible, so I think it would be best to show the “not found” component as a default route instead of doing the redirect, that way the URL isn’t changed. 

 * In the spirit of copying Workbench1’s style, when requesting for a known object type, it should show a message like: The @<object_type>@ with UUID @zzzzz-yyyyyy-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@ was not found. 
 * When requesting a trashed project/group or collection, instead of showing a “not found” message, workbench1 shows a message saying it is trashed, the date when the object will be definitely deleted and a button allowing the user to recover it from the trash. See “untrash” method on as an example. 
 ** In the particular case of collections, when accessing to @/collections/some-valid-uuid@, where @some-valid-uuid@ has the correct format (for example: @x2jbo-4zz18-xr1ir7qowrj2y2k@) but it doesn’t exist or is trashed, an error is being displayed with a 404 message and the UI is blank or partially filled if we’re requesting a previously non-trashed collection. Instead, workbench2 should show a message like the one described for the projects/groups. 
 ** Also, when accessing to @/collections/not-a-valid-uuid@, Workbench2 does a content address search, although workbench1 doesn’t offer the possibility to “untrash" trashed collections by PDH, Workbench2 should have this feature. 
 * On every “not found” page, workbench1 also provides the user the ability to send a message to the admins via a support form or email. The support form is backed by workbench1’s rails application, and we don’t have that capability on workbench2, OTOH we could provide an email link that pre-populates the email with API version number, url being accessed, etc. The admin email should be accessible via the public config endpoint (for example: at the @Mail.SupportEmailAddress@ key. This config key will be available when the branch @14990-support-email-exported-config@ is merged on arvados’ repo.
