


Idea #16944

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 4 years ago

* Description is visible but should be more prominent 
 * "Edit description" should use rich text editor 
 * Use space at the top more efficiently (too much whitespace) 
 * Provenance / used by 
 ** Instead of generating a graph that's impossible to interpret, it should just show the immediate upstream or downstream containers / other references in a way that's easy to click through and keep clicking 
 * "Search files" should be "Filter files" 
 ** Filter files should allow regex 
 * Creating sharing links 
 * Multi-select operations on files -- they exist but they use WebDAV and they are slow and buggy 
 ** Consider adding new APIs to collections for "patch" updates of manifests (list of files to add/remove) 
 ** WB2 uses these new APIs for add/move/rename files
