Feature #17389
Updated by Nico César over 3 years ago
Goals of this ticket: * to have all the expected behaviour for keepproxy * to add to the documentation this behaviour (if needed) * to add necesary tests to make sure we comply with this behaviour (if needed) Current tetsts for storage classes and desired replicas: <pre> func (s *ServerRequiredSuite) TestStorageClassesHeader(c *C) { kc := runProxy(c, false, false) defer closeListener() // Set up fake keepstore to record request headers var hdr http.Header ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc( func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { hdr = r.Header http.Error(w, "Error", http.StatusInternalServerError) })) defer ts.Close() // Point keepproxy router's keepclient to the fake keepstore sr := map[string]string{ TestProxyUUID: ts.URL, } router.(*proxyHandler).KeepClient.SetServiceRoots(sr, sr, sr) // Set up client to ask for storage classes to keepproxy kc.StorageClasses = []string{"secure"} content := []byte("Very important data") _, _, err := kc.PutB(content) c.Check(err, NotNil) c.Check(hdr.Get("X-Keep-Storage-Classes"), Equals, "secure") } (..) func (s *ServerRequiredSuite) TestDesiredReplicas(c *C) { kc := runProxy(c, false, false) defer closeListener() content := []byte("TestDesiredReplicas") hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(content)) for _, kc.Want_replicas = range []int{0, 1, 2} { locator, rep, err := kc.PutB(content) c.Check(err, Equals, nil) c.Check(rep, Equals, kc.Want_replicas) if rep > 0 { c.Check(locator, Matches, fmt.Sprintf(`^%s\+%d(\+.+)?$`, hash, len(content))) } } } </pre> Relevant struct in sdk/go/keepclient/keepclient.go <pre> // KeepClient holds information about Arvados and Keep servers. type KeepClient struct { Arvados *arvadosclient.ArvadosClient Want_replicas int localRoots map[string]string writableLocalRoots map[string]string gatewayRoots map[string]string lock sync.RWMutex HTTPClient HTTPClient Retries int BlockCache *BlockCache RequestID string StorageClasses []string // set to 1 if all writable services are of disk type, otherwise 0 replicasPerService int // Any non-disk typed services found in the list of keepservers? foundNonDiskSvc bool // Disable automatic discovery of keep services disableDiscovery bool } </pre> To be discussed in groom meeting: * Is keepproxy already "forwarding to the appropriate keepstore service." (quote from the epic #16107) * is there any extra case that needs to be tested? tested * what is the relevant documentation for this cases? cases