


Feature #17609

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 3 years ago

This is the list of tests will do 

 Then once we have the list will include it to the arvados-client test  

 * Run the tests that can be run: 
 ** If config.yml is available, check that 
 ** If cypress can be run, run browser-based tests 
 * Warn about what can be run / cannot be run 
 * put everything into a diagnostics project 

 Ward's 3 electric rails: 

 * uploading through keepproxy 
 * running workflows 
 * properly configured keep-web 
 ** uploading via webdav 
 ** downloading via webdav and s3 

 Nico's tests: 

 * Fetching discovery document / public config 
 * Check hostnames, ports, certificates of service ExternalURL are valid 
 * Check nginx geo section 

 Tom's modes: 

 * User option to run assuming it is inside (check that things treat you as inside) 
 * User option to run assuming it is outside (check that things treat you as outside) 


 * Use healthcheck endpoints, see if some tests can be part of healthcheck 
 ** Any check that can be done as a healthcheck, probably should be 
 * Needs management token 
 * Use healthcheck aggregator 

 $ arvados-client diagnostics --inside 
 Checking connectivity to ...OK 
 Checking TLS certificate on ...FAIL 


 * run @arvados-server check-config@ as early as possible. 
 * verbose mode that communicates as much as possible about what each test is trying to do 
 * be very explicit about failures 
