


Idea #17585

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 3 years ago

The collection view needs to handle arbitrarily large/deep file listings.    The current tree view in the "files" panel on the wb2 collection page does not work well as the number of files rises into the tens of thousands. 


 * Must be functionally possible to view and navigate very large file collections (a good test case would be a collection with ten million files) without it being incredibly slow and/or crashing the browser. 
 * From UI point of view we can generally assume that very large collections have been organized into a reasonable hierarchy, but this still needs to be robust in situations where there are 10,000-100,000 files in a single flat directory. 
 * Must be possible to interact with files the same ways that are currently possible (download, open in new tab, copy link for sharing). 
 * Should have some basic search or filtering feature for filenames. 

 Possible concept from discussion: 

 Instead of tree view, show (and load) only a single folder level at once.    Show list of folders and files.    Have bread crumbs at the top to enable easy navigation back to parent directories. 
