


Idea #1970

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago

UI features 
 * All readable folders show up in left nav section Create a group 
 ** reasonable max height, scroll if needed * Rename a group 
 ** type in "filter" box to filter (live in browser, not ajax) * Delete a group 
 ** "New folder" button → pop-up → refresh the folder list 
 * "Folders" "Groups" page lists my folders, and folders indicates which groups belong to me, vs. shared with me (either (and mine are at the top, or I can filter all/sharedwithme/justmine) 
 ** Rename and delete can be done here 
 * "Show folder" group" page 
 ** "Contents": list all objects that are in the folder group 
 ** "Sharing": list everyone who has access to the folder (see #2044) group 
 ** "Activity": list recent activity (see #2056) 
 ** This is essentially a "Dashboard" page, restricted to "stuff in this folder/group" instead of "my stuff". 
 * Adding and removing objects from a folder All readable groups show up in left nav section 
 ** "Add all to..." button on existing "selections" drop-down → select a writable folder from a list reasonable max height, scroll if needed 
 ** "Add to..." drop-down at top of object pages type in "filter" box to filter (live in browser, not ajax) 
 ** "Add to..." drop-down * ¿Drag an object's uuid/name (from any page?) to a group label in left nav 
 * ¿G+-like "add to group" widget on "show object" page 
 * ¿G+-like "add to group" widget next to each object on index pages 
 ** "Remove from folder" button next to each object in folder view 

 API server features 
 * Refuse to delete a group if it is the owner_uuid of any object 
 * Add ** Or, allow client to specify a "group_class" attribute. (Set new owner_uuid to "folder" for folders.) assign to objects that would be orphaned? 
