


Feature #17993

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 3 years ago

Output could look something like this: 

 wardv@shell:~$ arv collection list --order 'file_size_total desc' --limit 10 | jq -r '.items[] | [.portable_data_hash,.uuid] |@csv' |sed -e 's/"//g'|tr '\n' ' ' |xargs arvados-client deduplication-report 

 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+167305537; nominal size 22808792764220 (21 TiB); file count 4642651; storage classes fast, big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+167305537; nominal size 22808792764220 (21 TiB); file count 4642651; storage classes big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+137315151; nominal size 22011136341600 (20 TiB); file count 4076624; storage classes fast, big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+137315151; nominal size 22011136341600 (20 TiB); file count 4076624; storage classes big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+23118809; nominal size 17113218001658 (16 TiB); file count 135751; storage classes fast 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+16823121; nominal size 17109593452137 (16 TiB); file count 67876; storage classes fast 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+16812571; nominal size 17093959566454 (16 TiB); file count 67876; storage classes fast, big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+9616302; nominal size 15334419799731 (14 TiB); file count 220; storage classes fast, big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+125109120; nominal size 13268828856746 (12 TiB); file count 3995974; storage classes fast, big 
 Collection _____-_____-_______________: pdh ________________________________+125109120; nominal size 13268828800485 (12 TiB); file count 3995974; storage classes fast, big 

 Collections:                                10 

 Storage class: fast 

 Nominal size of stored data: 182828706688851 bytes (166 TiB) 
 Actual size of stored data:     93084713928994 bytes (85 TiB) 
 Saved by Keep deduplication:    89743992759857 bytes (82 TiB) 

 Storage class: big 

 Nominal size of stored data: 182828706688851 bytes (166 TiB) 
 Actual size of stored data:     93084713928994 bytes (85 TiB) 
 Saved by Keep deduplication:    89743992759857 bytes (82 TiB) 
