Idea #18241
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago
Getting this error:
2021-09-30T14:26:57.201817996Z Creating Docker container
2021-09-30T14:26:57.203065980Z error in Run: While creating container: Error response from daemon: NanoCPUs can not be set, as your kernel does not support CPU cfs period/quota or the cgroup is not mounted
2021-09-30T14:26:57.273238216Z Running [arv-mount --unmount-timeout=8 --unmount /tmp/crunch-run.x2z00-dz642-fydhf5knvqvnx3w.720770094/keep704524725]
2021-09-30T14:26:57.539004083Z crunch-run finished
This seems to have started happening after I upgraded to Debian 11.
I commented out NanoCPUs and restarted, now I'm getting this error:
2021-09-30T14:39:49.558675192Z crunch-run Creating Docker container
2021-09-30T14:39:49.705827428Z crunch-run Starting container
2021-09-30T14:39:49.792026054Z crunch-run error in Run: could not start container: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:385: applying cgroup configuration for process caused: cannot enter cgroupv2 "/sys/fs/cgroup/docker" with domain controllers -- it is in an invalid state: unknown
2021-09-30T14:39:49.824530160Z crunch-run copying "/output.txt" (0 bytes)
2021-09-30T14:39:49.858331658Z crunch-run Cancelled
ERROR Overall process status is permanentFail
So this has something to do with cgroupv2?
This is using Arvbox, so this is Docker-in-Docker, so it is also possible something changed so that cgroups is no longer properly exposed from the host environment ito the container environment.