


Feature #2656

Updated by Tim Pierce about 10 years ago

A comprehensive performance and stress test for Keep would be useful. 

 A stress test should: 
 * Flood Keep with concurrent GET and PUT requests 
 * Include some invalid requests 
 * Record performance metrics including: 
 ** Number of successful requests 
 ** Number and breakdown of error results 
 ** Shortest, longest, and median response time 
 ** Any inconsistencies on Keep volumes after testing is done 
 * Configurable options could include: 
 ** Maximum concurrency for requests (e.g. @--concurrency=50@ means max 50 requests at a time) 
 ** SSL or non-SSL 

 A useful experiment would be to perform stress tests with the same parameters against new Keep and old Keep. 

 Benchmark tools that may prove useful: 
 * Apache Benchmark ( 
 * wrk ( 
 * curl-loader ( 
 * httperf ( 
 * autobench (
