


Feature #17493

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 3 years ago

Feature: user can put a project tree in "archive" state which makes it read-only to everyone 

 Proposed design: 

 * New boolean attribute of group "archived" 
 * Users with can_manage access can set "archived" 
 * Once set, "archived" cannot be cleared by users, only admins 

 * "archived" state applies to everything owned by the project, recursively.    (same behavior as "trashed" projects) 
 * Archived objects are read-only for users and admins regardless of permissions (with limited exceptions for the archived_at field itself described above) 
 ** Cannot create/move objects in an archived project (owner_uuid cannot be an archived project) 
 ** Cannot move objects out of an archived project (owner_uuid cannot be changed) 
 ** Cannot update any other field on archived objects, e.g. name, manifest_text 
 ** Cannot delete objects owned by archived project or modify trash_at, delete_at 
 ** Setting "archived" clears any "delete_at" fields of any object in the archived project 
 ** Objects that were trashed before remain trashed, but will not be deleted 

 * Users with can_manage permission can still adjust sharing (create and remove permission links on archived objects) 
