


Idea #2352

Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago

Acceptance criteria: 
 * User can interrupt/continue pipelines 
 * User can run pipeline from command line and doesn't conflict with crunch-dispatch 

 Ultimately we want to remove the @active@ and @success@ booleans. The only tricky bit is keeping things working during transition. This might work: 
 # add the @state@ attribute (string) -- update all existing records to suitable state during the migration 
 # override @active@ and @success@ methods to return appropriate values based on current state 
 # remove the @active@ and @success@ booleans from the database 
 # override update_attributes so if someone tries to update "active" or "success", the new "state" gets changed instead 
 # fix clients so they read/update @state@ instead of reading/updating @active@ and @success@ 
 # some weeks later: remove the @active@ and @success@ methods and remove from the api response 
