


Task #2696

Updated by Tom Clegg about 10 years ago

(from email) 

 1. Install Single Sign On (SSO) server: 

 * We would want to add “cd into your home directory or wherever you want to install ” before doing the git clone 

 2. Install API server: 

 * We would want to add “cd into your home directory or wherever you want to install ” before doing the git clone 
 3. Install client libraries  

 * git clone is failing because we already did it in the api server and the repository exists.  

 $ git clone 
 fatal: destination path 'arvados' already exists and is not an empty directory. 

 4. Install Client Libraries: 

 * sudo python install — is failing.  

 I do not find a file in this directory. I do find a file but am not sure if I need to do something first. 

 5. Install API Server: 

 * Do we want to include a note about installing “rvm” in the “install dependencies” section? It was not so obvious for me at first. 

 6. This is probably not a documentation issue, but I am having this issue. I setup following the steps and when I login into workbench, I am seeing the welcome page. It appears that my account needs to be activated. Not sure if I missed some step or if it is something due to some newer improvements in code. I had not seen this in my earlier run-ins with the workbench / api server. 
