


Feature #18600

Updated by Peter Amstutz about 3 years ago

New endpoint "arvados/v1/collections/uuid/modify" 

 Map in the form: 

 {"destination": "source"} 

 destination: in the form "destination/path" 

 source: either "PDH/source/path" (can be a directory, including root) or empty (destination should be deleted) 

 Gets the file content from the path at the portable data hash.    Replaces In particular, the contents of the destination. 

 The original portable data hash of the collection (before edits are applied) is valid. 

 Cannot have a destination that's within another destination, e.g. 

   "/sys": "abc", 
   "/sys/foobar": "xyz" 

 Is an error because the specification of "/sys" overlaps. 

 It is the job of the client to determine that there are no overlaps, when merging collections, the client must resolve conflicts (e.g. same named files). 
