


API HistoricalForcasting data for CR » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Nico César, 06/16/2020 09:48 PM) → Revision 2/6 (Nico César, 06/18/2020 08:44 AM)

h1. API Historical/Forcasting data for CR 

 Goal: create a pipeline forecaster and visualization for historical data. This should expose APIs that can be used in the ContainerRequest visualization and  
 also could be use to provide extra information for the current running CR 


 * Checkpoint: is a generic name that currently corresponds to a step name followed by a "family". The reason behind having a family is to This will cluster together all the executions (including the scattered steps that have the pattern: will show up as name_2, name_3,..., name_229) for runs that the token has access to with similar characteristics. 

 * Family: A common Since the same name like "gatk" or "haplotypecaller" can be used as a for the same step name. In practice 2 executions would create 2 different populations (in terms of checkpoints) depending on can be named "gatk" but the execution parameters between pipelines can differ a lot creating several populations of the CommandLineTool checkpoints. 

 * Datapoint: a concrete data that can be plotted as historical data. Currently we're bounding together the container request and the associated container to have a unified view of the times involved. This should not get confused with forecast data since can be used separately separatelly 

 h2. API  

 GET /container-request/aaaaa-xvhdp-123456789abc/checkpoints 


   "checkpoints": [ 
       "name": "merge-tilelib@family22", 
       "dependencies": [ 
       "time_average": 8254.534873, 
       "time_count": 1, 
       "time_min": 8254.534873, 
       "time_min_comment": "duration:merge-tilelib#su92l-dz642-cc7799yfwi5jmd9", 
       "time_max": 8254.534873, 
       "time_max_comment": "duration:merge-tilelib#su92l-dz642-cc7799yfwi5jmd9" 
       "name": "createsglf@family22", 
       "dependencies": [], 
       "time_average": 4741.290203, 
       "time_count": 58, 
       "time_min": 82.138309, 
       "time_min_comment": "duration:createsglf_57#su92l-dz642-3u3g4bq1yh4pqje", 
       "time_max": 5818.898387, 
       "time_max_comment": "duration:createsglf_8#su92l-dz642-8d094xhqciin5m2" 
 "time_average": <average time for the CR family>, 

 GET /container-request/aaaaa-xvhdp-123456789abc/datapoints 


     "step_name": "createsglf", 
     "start_1": "2020-01-15 19:49:34.213 +0000", 
     "end_1": "2020-01-15 21:19:39.001 +0000", 
     "start_2": "2020-01-15 19:54:44.864 +0000", 
     "end_2": "2020-01-15 21:19:39.001 +0000", 
     "reuse": false, 
     "status": "completed", 
     "legend": "<p>createsglf</p><p>Container Request: <a href=\"\">su92l-xvhdp-zfc3ffxk3slmkzv</a></p><p>Container duration: 1h24m54.137122s\n</p>" 
     "step_name": "createsglf_2", 
     "start_1": "2020-01-15 19:49:34.288 +0000", 
     "end_1": "2020-01-15 21:29:11.399 +0000", 
     "start_2": "2020-01-15 19:54:51.275 +0000", 
     "end_2": "2020-01-15 21:29:11.399 +0000", 
     "reuse": false, 
     "status": "completed", 
     "legend": "<p>createsglf_2</p><p>Container Request: <a href=\"\">su92l-xvhdp-py99va9hnvuxzp5</a></p><p>Container duration: 1h34m20.123849s\n</p>" 

 GET /container-request/aaaaa-xvhdp-123456789abc/workflow-dot 


 digraph cwlgraph { 
 graph [compound=true]; 

 subgraph cluster_0 { 
 node [style=filled]; 
 "#createcgf-wf.cwl" [ label = "#createcgf-wf.cwl", style = invis ]; 

 h2. Frontend 

 Dot file can be rendered with we already tested some big files  

 h2. Schema and queries on the postgres DB  

 TODO: Outline the transformation from the current local leveldb cache to some per-user caching table.   
 TODO: list the queries to INSERT and SELECT the data for a particular checkpoint.  

 h2. Permissions 

 One concern is permissions. we'll behave similar to everything else in Arvados: if it's a CR that the token doesn't have access to, then is a 404. This includes the idea of "sumarized data" as in the historical time and prices of the CRs