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Tom Clegg, 08/07/2020 03:29 PM

All-in-one package

(draft / work in progress, see #16306 and arvados-server boot)

"arvados-server-easy" is a debian/rpm package that can be used to create a single-node production cluster from scratch with minimal effort:

apt-get install arvados-server-easy
arvados-server init -cluster-id x1234
systemctl start arvados

This page is mostly about how we build/maintain the package, rather than how to use it.


source:cmd/arvados-dev (similar to arvados-client/server) has:
  • a "buildpackage" subcommand that creates a deb/rpm package from source (i.e., a checkout of the arvados source tree, possibly with local modifications). It takes care of installing dependencies, fpm, etc.
  • a bash script (could move to Go) that builds a package for a given OS version by injecting the buildpackage command into a docker container with that OS version, installs the resulting package into a new base OS image, and saves the resulting image for testing purposes. (currently, debian:10 is implemented)
  • a bash script (could move to Go) that brings up a cluster using the testing image (the one with arvados-server-easy already installed), optionally injecting local changes to enable a quicker dev cycle. For example, " cmd/arvados-server" builds a new arvados-server binary on the host, then starts a container using the test image but with the new arvados-server binary bind-mounted over the packaged one.

Package publishing outline (pseudocode):

./cmd/arvados-dev/ -os debian:10

Development cycle:

./cmd/arvados-dev/ -os debian:10 # (just once, takes 10+ minutes)
# (edit some Go code locally)
./cmd/arvados-dev/ cmd/arvados-server     # takes 15 seconds, mostly starting postgresql, creating db, etc
# (edit some Go code locally)
./cmd/arvados-dev/ cmd/arvados-server
# ...

Updated by Tom Clegg over 4 years ago · 5 revisions