


Arvados Summit Fall 2013 Photos » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Jonathan Sheffi, 10/25/2013 03:00 PM) → Revision 2/6 (Jonathan Sheffi, 10/25/2013 03:03 PM)

h1. Arvados Summit Fall 2013 Photos 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0222.JPG! - Adam Berrey (CFI) kicks off the Summit 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0228.JPG! - Adam Berrey (CFI) presenting the Arvados Foundation proposal 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0237.JPG! - Sasha Zaranek (CFI) presenting Arvados Lightning 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0239.JPG! - Brad Chapman (HSPH) presenting bcbio-nextgen and his experience with Arvados 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0242.JPG! - Francisco De La Vega (RTG) 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0248.JPG! - Melissa Gymrek (Whitehead) 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0249.JPG! - Phillip Pham (Cypher) presenting on the benefits of Arvados to pipeline developers 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0250.JPG! - Tom Clegg (CFI) leading a group discussion (3.7 MB) 

 !{width:300px}DSC_0251.JPG! - Sasha Zaranek (CFI) answering questions while Adam Berrey (CFI) adds user stories 