


Arvados Summit Fall 2022 » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Sarah Zaranek, 04/12/2022 01:00 PM) → Revision 2/13 (Sarah Zaranek, 05/19/2022 12:03 PM)

h1. ArvCon 22 -> Arvados Summit Fall 2022  

 h1. arv-con 2021 

 h2. Who 

 Current and perspective users of Arvados 

 h2. When 

 arv-con will be late September/early October.  
 Please fill out the following survey to indicate your interest in the event and preferred times.  

 h2. Where 

 The conference will be virtual. 

 h2. What 

 Tentative topics would be  

 * Brief Introduction of Arvados and Arvados Features  
 * Updates on Arvados and Showcasing of New and "Beta" Features 
 * Presentations of Current Arvados Users and their Work 
 * Discussion of the Arvados roadmap 
 * Breakout Sessions on conference members selected topics 

 h2. Code of Conduct 

 This event, like all Arvados events, will be subject to the Arvados [[Code of Conduct]]