


Container dispatch » History » Version 18

Tom Clegg, 01/27/2016 03:42 PM

1 16 Tom Clegg
h1. Container dispatch
2 2 Peter Amstutz
3 15 Tom Clegg
4 9 Peter Amstutz
5 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Summary
6 1 Peter Amstutz
7 15 Tom Clegg
A dispatcher uses available compute resources to execute queued containers.
8 1 Peter Amstutz
9 15 Tom Clegg
Dispatch is meant to be a small simple component rather than a pluggable framework: e.g., "slurm dispatch" can be a small standalone program, rather than a plugin for a big generic dispatch program.
10 12 Peter Amstutz
11 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Pseudocode
12 1 Peter Amstutz
13 15 Tom Clegg
* Notice there is a queued container
* Decide whether the required resources are available to run the container
* Lock the container (this avoids races with other dispatch processes)
* Translate the container's runtime constraints and priority to instructions for the lower-level scheduler, if any
* Invoke the "crunch2 run" executor
* When the priority changes on a container taken by this dispatch process, update the lower-level scheduler accordingly (cancel if priority is zero)
* If the lower-level scheduler indicates the container is finished or abandoned, but the Container record is locked by this dispatcher and has state=Running, fail the container
20 1 Peter Amstutz
21 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Examples
22 1 Peter Amstutz
23 15 Tom Clegg
slurm batch mode
* Use "sinfo" to determine whether it is possible to run the container
* Submit a batch job to the queue: "echo crunch-run --job {uuid} | sbatch -N1"
* When container priority changes, use scontrol and scancel to propagate changes to slurm
* Use strigger to run a cleanup script when a container exits
28 2 Peter Amstutz
29 15 Tom Clegg
standalone worker
* Inspect /proc/meminfo, /proc/cpuinfo, "docker ps", etc. to determine local capacity
* Invoke crunch-run as a child process (or perhaps a detached daemon process)
* Signal crunch-run to stop if container priority changes to zero
33 2 Peter Amstutz
34 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Arvados API support
35 2 Peter Amstutz
36 15 Tom Clegg
Each dispatch process has an Arvados API token that allows it to see queued containers.
* No two dispatch processes can run at the same time with the same token. One way to achieve this is to make a user record for each dispatch service.
38 2 Peter Amstutz
39 15 Tom Clegg
Container APIs relevant to a dispatch program:
* List Queued containers (might be a subset of Queued containers)
* List containers with state=Locked or state=Running associated with current token
42 18 Tom Clegg
** arvados.v1.containers.current (equivalent to @filters=[["dispatch_auth_uuid","=",current_client_auth.uuid]]@)
43 15 Tom Clegg
* Receive event when container is created or modified and state is Queued (it might become runnable)
* Change state Queued->Locked
* Change state Locked->Queued
* Change state Locked->Running
* Change state Running->Complete
* Receive event when priority changes
49 1 Peter Amstutz
* Receive event when state changes to Complete
50 18 Tom Clegg
* Retrieve an API token to pass into the container and its arv-mount process (via crunch-run)
** Token is automatically created/assigned when container state changes to Locked
** Token is automatically expired/destroyed when container state changes away from Running
** arvados.v1.api_client_authorizations.get(uuid=container.auth_uuid)
54 15 Tom Clegg
* Create events/logs
** Decided not to run this container
** Decided to run this container (e.g., no node with those resources)
** Lock failed
** Dispatched to crunch-run
** Cleaned up crashed crunch-run (lower-level scheduler indicates the job finished, but crunch-run didn't leave the container in a final state)
** Cleaned up abandoned container (container belongs to this process, but dispatch and lower-level scheduler don't know about it)
61 6 Peter Amstutz
62 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Non-responsibilities
63 6 Peter Amstutz
64 15 Tom Clegg
Dispatch doesn't retry failed containers. If something needs to be reattempted, a new container will appear in the queue.
65 7 Peter Amstutz
66 15 Tom Clegg
Dispatch doesn't fail a container that it can't run. It doesn't know whether other dispatchers will be able to run it.
67 8 Peter Amstutz
68 15 Tom Clegg
h2. Additional notes
69 8 Peter Amstutz
70 17 Tom Clegg
(see also #6429 and #6518 and #8028)
71 8 Peter Amstutz
72 15 Tom Clegg
Using websockets to listen for container events (new containers added, priority changes) will benefit from some Go SDK support.