Design Principles » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Peter Amstutz, 02/24/2014 09:54 AM) → Revision 2/7 (Tom Clegg, 02/24/2014 11:01 AM)
h1. Design Principles Principals (Work in progress) * Use only free software. * Using the best tool, programming language, or framework for each component is preferable to standardizing on a single platform for the sake of conformity. * Prefer to integrate established, widely understood components such as ssh, git, and slurm instead of hand rolling our own solutions. * Use web technologies to tie components together, so programs can access Arvados regardless of programming language or framework. * In the Arvados platform itself, explicitly make use of Linux and Debian specific features to maximize performance and ease of development. * For applications that will run *on* the Aravdos platform, have minimal requirements and be able to run almost anything with just a wrapper script.