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Peter Amstutz, 02/24/2014 11:59 AM

Design Principles

(Work in progress)

  • All Arvados core components should be Free Software.
  • Any application should be able to run on Arvados (possibly with a simple wrapper script) including non-free tools only available as binaries.
  • Use web technologies to tie components together, so programs can access Arvados regardless of programming language or framework.
  • Use the best tool, programming language, or framework for each component, instead of standardizing on a single platform for the sake of conformity.
  • Prefer to integrate established, widely understood components such as ssh, git, and slurm instead of hand rolling our own solutions.
  • Explicitly target Debian GNU/Linux as the deployment platform specific to maximize performance and ease of development.
  • Use technologies such as virtual machines and Linux containers to enable portability for the software stack.

Updated by Peter Amstutz over 10 years ago · 3 revisions