


Documentation project » History » Revision 28

Revision 27 (Tom Clegg, 03/04/2014 01:45 PM) → Revision 28/42 (Nancy Ouyang, 01/21/2015 07:07 PM)

h1. Documentation 

 The documentation project is a part of the overall Arvados effort.  

 h2. Guides 

 There are four guides that are being developed to support the use of Arvados:  

 * "User Guide": - Introductory and tutorial materials for building analysis or web applications using Arvados.  

 * "API Reference": - REST API methods and resources, the MapReduce job execution environment, permission model, etc. 

 * "Admin Guide": - Instructions to system administrators for maintaining an Arvados installation. 

 * "Install Guide": - How to install and configure Arvados on the cloud management platform of your choice.  

 A web version of the documentation is available at  

 h2. Documentation Project 

 The Arvados documentation is written in Markdown, Textile, and HTML. The source code is in the @doc@ directory in the Arvados source tree. We use Jekyll to render HTML pages. 

 h2. Contributing 

 Bugs in the documentation can be submitted as "issues":/projects/arvados/issues. 

 To contribute to the documentation, clone the Arvados source repository, edit, and send pull requests just as you would when contributing program source code. 

 We do not yet maintain a separate documentation mailing list, so we encourage documentation contributors to join the main developer mailing list. 

 References for contributors: 

 * "Markdown syntax": 
 * "Textile syntax": 
 * "Zenweb": 
 * "Liquid for designers": (template engine) 

 Contributor quick-start: 

 <pre><code>git clone git:// 
 cd arvados/doc 
 bundle install 
 # documentation will be generated in .site/ 
 rake run 
 Note: The repository is only a few megabytes in size. 
 You can now preview it in your browser at http://localhost:8000 . 


 To generate Python SDK docs, install @epydoc@ and @arvados-python-client@ before running @rake@ in @arvados/doc@: 

 <pre><code>sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv 
 virtualenv /tmp/z 
 pip install epydoc arvados-python-client 

 When you want to start making changes to the site, do so on a branch. If you'd like to follow our development process, create or pick an existing issue, for instance Note the issue number: *4926*. 


 <pre><code>git checkout -b 4926-some-description 
 # (make your changes to the documentation) 
 git status #shows you what files have chnaged 
 # Next, git add [the files you want to include in the update] 
 git add _config.yml _includes/_navbar_top.liquid _layouts/default.html.liquid index.html.liquid 
 git commit -m "4926: Added foobar to barfoo" 
 git remote add curoverse 
 git push curoverse 4926-getting-started:4926-getting-started 

 The last command will throw “fatal” error if you’re pushing a new branch, e.g. “remote: fatal: Invalid revision range". Additionally, if you get a 403 error, email to request write permissions on the Arvados repository. 

 h3. Code Review 

 Next, get it reviewed! After logging in to Arvados Redmine (, add it as a task under the appropriate story on the Arvados storyboard. 

 If you don't see a green + sign on the stories in the Story column, like below, 


 email to get permissions in the Redmine issue tracker to add tasks. 

 Call it something along the lines of "Review branch: 4926-some-description". 

 It should get reviewed shortly, if not email . 

 h3. Important files and folders 

 These are located in the arvados/doc directory. 

 * /css/ 
 * /js/ 
 * /_includes/_navbar_top.liquid &_navbar_left.liquid  
 * /_config.yml (declare navigation / order of pages) 
 * /_layouts/default.html.liquid (declare CSS, javascript includes)