Efficient live access to container logs » History » Revision 3
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h1. Efficient live access to container logs {{toc}} h2. Goals * Low latency: deliver live logs to clients (workbench/cli) as quickly as possible * Scalable: don't generate significant load in RailsAPI * Scalable: don't generate significant load in PostgreSQL * Efficient: don't waste resources on event streams that nobody is listening to * Robust: Don't let a badly behaved container (writing many gigabytes of logs) impede others * Dependable: Retain complete logs (container/crunch-run/crunchstat) _in the log collection_ even in the event that crunch-run or the compute instance itself dies unexpectedly (_e.g.,_ bug, out of memory, hardware failure) h2. Proposed architecture * crunch-run offers a “container logs” API at its container gateway server * controller offers a “container logs” API that works whether the container is finished or not ** proxies to crunch-run _or_ keep-web (depends on whether the container is running) * “container logs” API has two parts: ** webdav: read file content from the log collection ** server-sent-events stream: get notifications as logs appear (see below) * dispatcher provides “plan B” to save logs when crunch-run crashes, instance dies, etc. ** dispatcher routinely retrieves live logs from container gateway, and buffers content to local disk ** dispatcher discards buffered logs when crunch-run commits to log collection ** when crunch-run exits, dispatcher checks whether crunch-run managed to save the full log collection and, if needed, appends the latest buffered logs * command-line client can “tail” and “tail -f” logs from a running container * workbench2 uses a single code path to retrieve logs (instead of choosing webdav or logs table based on whether container is running) h2. API details @GET /arvados/v1/container_requests/{uuid}/log/{container_uuid}/stderr.txt@ ** client will use Range headers to request partial content ** client will add the @{container_uuid}/@ part explicitly using the @container_uuid@ field from the container request record -- @/arvados/v1/container_requests/{uuid}/log/@ is a valid WebDAV endpoint but the client cannot rely on that directory listing to return the @{container_uuid}/@ subdirectory @GET /arvados/v1/container_requests/{uuid}/log_events@ ** response is a "server-sent events":https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events stream, data is JSON-encoded ** a “file_sizes” event indicates the current size of new/updated files in the log collection @event: file_sizes@ @data: {"{container_uuid}/stderr.txt":1234,"{container_uuid}/stdout.txt":0,"{container_uuid}/crunch-run.txt":2345}@ ** after the first message, unchanged files may be omitted: @event: file_sizes@ @data: {"{container_uuid}/stderr.txt":1444,"{container_uuid}/stdout.txt":72}@ ** a “final” message indicates that the log collection is finalized and no further file_sizes events will be sent: @event: final@ ** a “retry” message indicates how long, in milliseconds, the client should wait before reconnecting after a disconnect (per SSE spec): @retry: 2000@ ** empty comments are sent periodically to keep the connection alive during idle periods @:@ ** after the “final” message, the connection either remains open and silent, or closes after specifying a long reconnect delay in a “retry” message (the idea is to avoid sending an inattentive client into a reconnect cycle - this doesn't affect well-behaved clients because they will hang up after receiving the “final” message) ** @?maxInterval=X@ sets the maximum interval between messages (i.e., keepalive) to X seconds, default 15 ** @?minInterval=X@ increases the minimum interval between messages (i.e., throttle) to X seconds, default 1 h2. Authentication The browser's EventSource API allows the caller to enable existing cached credentials/cookies, but not to explicitly set an Authorization header or another custom header. * @?api_token=v2/...@ in the URL is easy to support on the client and server ** this is not ideal: the token is likely to be logged by HTTP servers/proxies ** we already accept this situation in our websocket usage Server also accepts the usual Authorization header, and this should be used by clients that have the capability (e.g., arvados-client). Future version may also support a “copy Authorization header into cookie” endpoint ** client requests @GET /arvados/v1/cookie@ request with the token in the Authorization request header ** response sets a cookie with the provided token ** client sets up EventSource using @{withCredentials: true}@ ** this approach is inherently flawed in that applications in different tabs (e.g., wb2.clusterA and wb2.clusterB, where A and B are in a federation) will unknowingly fight over which cookie should be sent to cluster A. Future version may also support a “provide short-lived token” endpoint ** client requests @GET /arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations/:uuid/slt@ with the real API token in an Authorization request header ** response contains a new token that will only be recognized for the next 15 seconds ** client sets up EventSource using @?slt={newtoken}@ ** event stream sends a message with the real token in the “id” field ** when reconnecting, the browser automatically sends the real token in the Last-Event-Id header ** server uses the token in the Last-Event-Id field, if provided h2. Client pseudocode to reliably display logs for container with uuid C: <pre> connect to server-sent-events endpoint /arvados/v1/container_requests/{CR}/log_events on unexpected disconnect: delay for duration indicated in last “retry” message reconnect on final: disconnect on file_sizes: decode message data as json compare each entry to last size received for corresponding file, if any if desired, retrieve file data via webdav endpoint and present to user </pre> h2. Client (workbench2 / CLI) implementation notes * optionally, if container state is complete/cancelled or CR state is final, client _may_ skip the log_events steps and just retrieve file data via webdav endpoint * the client can rely on the server-sent-events stream to return a message, with sizes of all available log files, upon first connection, even if there are no available sizes yet (i.e., message.files may have zero keys) or the container is already finished * message.files may have keys for newly added files that have not appeared in any previous message * client should have logic to skip some content if the log file size grows faster than expected h2. Crunch-run implementation notes * buffer logs and periodically flush to keep (as before) * container gateway has a new webdav endpoint that reads the (live) log collection ** stdlib webdav server implements range requests for us * container gateway has a new endpoint that returns a server-sent-events stream ** upon connection, return one event per log file: [filename, current-size, last-saved-size] ** when a file is updated, wait until the last returned event is more than 1s old, then return an event [filename, current-size, last-saved-size] *** “current-size” enables client to construct a suitable range request to retrieve recent data *** “current-size” enables client to skip ahead if appropriate *** “last-saved-size” enables dispatcher to discard buffered data once it's safely written to storage and accessible via log collection * crunch-run updates gateway_address as soon as the gateway service is up (instead of waiting until state=Running) ** railsapi should allow gateway_address to be set when state=Locked ** this allows clients to access early logs (e.g., while preparing the docker image) h2. Controller implementation notes for log_events * additional logic is needed here beyond a simple proxy, in order that a single client-to-controller connection can receive all log updates through the entire container lifecycle, including one with the final file sizes, even though ** crunch-run is not running yet when state=Queued ** crunch-run may exit/disconnect before returning the final update (many race possibilities, including container finishing while controller is trying to reconnect) ** additional logs may be added by dispatcher if crunch-run exits before finalizing the container * if state=Queued or container gateway_address is empty, send an empty file_sizes message, then send keepalive messages while waiting/polling for the gateway to come up * if state=Complete or Cancelled, get the final log file sizes, send a file_sizes message, a long retry message, and a “final” message; delay a few seconds; and hang up * connect to crunch-run's log_events endpoint (through controller tunnel if applicable), propagate client's last-id and min/maxInterval params, and relay messages (including keepalive) to client * when crunch-run disconnects (or does not answer), wait a second, re-fetch the container record, and repeat from top h2. Controller implementation notes for log data * if container log is not empty, a specific range is requested, and the size of the requested file is compatible with the requested range, proxy to keep-web * if state=Complete/Cancelled, proxy to keep-web * if gateway_address is empty, return 404 * if state=Locked/Running and gateway_address is not empty, proxy to gateway_address h2. Dispatcher implementation (for retaining the last log entries when a worker instance crashes) * routinely connect/reconnect to crunch-run gateway server of containers that are being supervised * when unflushed logs appear, save them in a temporary buffer on local disk, up to a configurable size limit * when crunch-run exits unexpectedly, check the latest saved log collection, and (if needed) append the buffered logs to the respective truncated files before finalizing the container * in HPC environment where dispatcher→worker connections are not supported, connect through the worker→controller tunnel (see #19166)