


Federation implementation roadmap » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Peter Amstutz, 07/20/2018 02:29 PM) → Revision 3/16 (Peter Amstutz, 08/01/2018 05:55 PM)

h1. Federation implementation roadmap 

 Use a remote-hosted workflow 

 * When retrieving a workflow record for arvados-cwl-runner, API server notices workflow UUID is remote, and fetches it with salted token (instead of looking in local DB) 

 Mount remote-hosted collection (read-only) in a container 

 * When creating a container to satisfy a CR, API searches for collection PDH in cr.mounts across federated nodes, and fetches it with salted token (instead of looking in local DB) 
 * [[Federated collections]] 

 Run some portions of a CWL workflow on a remote cluster 

 * When submitting container requests, a-c-r follows workflow/commandline/input UUID hints to choose a cluster 
 * Either a-c-r handles the multi-cluster stuff itself, or it submits CRs with "submit to cluster X" flag, and the API server acts as a proxy