


Groups Projects Ownership and Permissions Specification » History » Revision 17

Revision 16 (Peter Amstutz, 08/07/2014 11:15 AM) → Revision 17/28 (Peter Amstutz, 08/07/2014 11:16 AM)

h1. Groups, Projects, Ownership and Permissions Specification 

 h2. Permissions 

 * There are four levels of permission, *none*, *can_read*, *can_write*, and *can_manage*. 
 ** *none* is the default state when there are no other permission grants 
 *** the object is not returned by any list query 
 *** direct queries of the object by uuid return 404 Not Found. 
 *** Link objects require valid identifiers in @head_uuid@ or @tail_uuid@, so an attempt to create a Link that references an unreadable object will return an error indicating the object is not found 
 ** *can_read* grants read-only access to the record.    Attempting to update the record returns an error. 
 ** *can_write* permits changes to content (but not metadata) fields of the record.    *can_write* permits the user to delete the object.    *can_write* also implies *can_read* 
 ** *can_manage* permits the user to create permission links with @head_uuid@ set to this object.    *can_manage* also implies *can_write* and *can_read* 

 h2. Ownership 

 * All Arvados objects have an @owner_uuid@ field.    Valid uuid types for @owner_uuid@ are "User" or "Group". 
 * The User or Group specified by @owner_uuid@ has *can_manage* permission on the object. 
 ** This permission is one way; if the owned object is also a User or Group, this does not confer any permission for the User or Group to access its @owner_uuid@ 
 * In the UI, objects should be displayed as being contained within the @owner_uuid@ User or Group. 
 ** A "Project" is a subtype of Group that indicates the group should be displayed in the "Projects" section of Workbench. 
 * To change the @owner_uuid@ field, the User must have @can_write@ permission on both the current owner and the new owner. 

 h2. Permission links 

 A link object with 

 * @owner_uuid@ of the system user. 
 * @link_class@ "permission" 
 * @name@ one of *can_read*, *can_write* or *can_manage* 
 * @head_uuid@ of some Arvados object 
 * @tail_uuid@ of an User or Group 

 grants the @name@ permission for @tail_uuid@ accessing @head_uuid@ 

 * If a User has *can_manage* on some object, this grants the permission to update the @name@ field, or delete the link, for links where the @head_uuid@ is the object. 


 h3. Proposal (not finalized) 

 * *can_read*, can_read*, *can_write*, and *can_manage* require that both @head_uuid@ and @tail_uuid@ are User or Group. 
 * *can_login* requires @tail_uuid@ is a User (not a Group) and @head_uuid@ is a VM.    Also grants *can_read* on the VM object. 
 * *can_fetch* and *can_push* requires @head_uuid@ is a repository.    Also grants *can_read* on the repository object. 


 h2. Transitive permissions 

 * If a User *can_read* Group A, and Group A *can_read* group B, then User *can_read* Group B. 
 * Permissions are narrowed to the least powerful permission on the path. 
 ** If User *can_write* Group A, and Group A *can_read* Group B, then User *can_read* Group B. 
 ** If User *can_read* Group A, and Group A *can_write* Group B, then User *can_read* Group B. 

 h2. Special cases 

 * Log table objects are additionally readable based on whether the User has *can_read* permission on @object_uuid@ (User can access log history about objects it can read).    To retain the integrity of the log, *can_write* and *can_manage* should be denied to all users, including administrators. 
 * Permission links where @tail_uuid@ is a User permit @can_read@ on the link by that user.    (User can discover her own permission grants.)