Hacking API server » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Tom Clegg, 05/09/2014 04:57 PM) → Revision 8/20 (Tom Clegg, 05/11/2014 02:40 PM)
h1. Hacking API server {{toc}} h2. Source tree layout Everything is in @/services/api@. Key pieces to know about before going much further: |/|Usual Rails project layout| |/app/controllers/application_controller.rb|Controller superclass with most of the generic API features like CRUD, authentication| |/app/controllers/arvados/v1/|API methods other than generic CRUD (users#current, jobs#queue, ...)| |/app/models/arvados_model.rb|Default Arvados model behavior: permissions, etag, uuid| h2. Unlike a typical Rails project... * Most responses are JSON. Very few HTML views. We don't normally talk to browsers, except during authentication. * We assign UUID strings (see lib/assign_uuid.rb and app/models/arvados_model.rb) * The @Links@ table emulates a graph database a la "RDF":http://www.rdfabout.com/quickintro.xpd. Much of the interesting information in Arvados is recorded as a Link between two other entities. * For the most part, relations among objects are not expressed with the usual ActiveRelation features like belongs_to and has_many. * Permissions: see below. h2. Running in development mode Save something like this at @~/bin/apiserver@, make it executable, make sure ~/bin is in your path: <pre> #!/bin/sh set -e cd ~/arvados/services/api if ! [ -e self-signed.key ] then # Generate a self-signed SSL key openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out ./self-signed.pem -keyout ./self-signed.key ./self-signed.pem -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost fi if [ -e /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm ] then rvmexec="rvm-exec 2.1.1" else rvmexec="" fi export ARVADOS_WEBSOCKETS=true export RAILS_ENV=development $rvmexec bundle install exec $rvmexec bundle exec passenger start -d -p3030 --ssl --ssl-certificate self-signed.pem --ssl-certificate-key self-signed.key </pre> h2. Headaches to avoid If you make a change that affects the discovery document, you need to clear a few caches before your client will see the change. * Restart API server or: @touch tmp/restart.txt@ * Clear API server disk cache: @rake tmp:cache:clear@ * Clear SDK discovery doc cache on client side: @rm -r ~/.cache/arvados/@ Do not store symbol keys (or values) in serialized attributes. * Rails supplies @params@ as a HashWithIndifferentAccess so @params['foo']@ and @params[:foo]@ are equivalent. This is usually convenient. However, here we often copy arrays and hashes from @params@ to the database, and from there to API responses. JSON does not have HashWithIndifferentAccess (or symbols) and we want these serialized attributes to behave predictably everywhere. * API server's policy is that serialized attributes (like @properties@ on a link) always have strings instead of symbols: these attributes look the same in the database, in the API server Rails application, in the JSON response sent to clients, and in the JSON objects received from clients. * There is no validation (yet!) to check for this. h2. Features h3. Authentication Involves * UserSessionsController (in app/controllers/, not .../arvados/v1): this is an exceptional case where we actually talk to a browser. h3. Permissions Object-level permissions, aka ownership and sharing * Models have their own idea of create/update permissions. Controllers don't worry about this. * ArvadosModel updates/enforces modified_by_* and owner_uuid * Lookups are not (yet) permission-restricted in the default scope, though. Controllers need to use Model.readable_by(user). * ApplicationController uses an around_filter that verifies the supplied api_token and makes current_user available everywhere. If you need to override create/update permissions, use @act_as_system_user do ... end@. * Unusual cases: KeepDisks and Collections can be looked up by inactive users (otherwise they wouldn't be able to read & clickthrough user agreements). Controller-level permissions * ApplicationController#require_auth_scope_all checks token scopes: currently, unless otherwise specified by a subclass controller, nothing is allowed unless scopes includes "all". * ApplicationController has an admin_required filter available (not used by default) h3. Error handling * "Look up object by uuid, and send 404 if not found" is enabled by default, except for index/create actions. h3. Routing * API routes are in the @:arvados@ → @:v1@ namespace. * Routes like @/jobs/queue@ have to come before @resources :jobs@ (otherwise @/jobs/queue@ will match @jobs#get(id=queue)@ first). (Better, we should rearrange these to use @resources :jobs do ...@ like in Workbench.) * We use the standard Rails routes like @/jobs/:id@ but then we move params[:id] to params[:uuid] in our before_filters. h3. Tests * Run tests with @rvm-exec 2.0.0 bundle exec rake test RAILS_ENV=test@ * Functional tests need to authenticate themselves with @authorize_with :active@ (where @:active@ refers to an ApiClientAuthorization fixture) * Big deficit of tests, especially unit tests. This is a bug! It doesn't mean we don't want to test things. h3. Discovery document * Mostly, but not yet completely, generated by introspection (descendants of ArvadosModel are inspected at run time). But some controllers/actions are skipped, and some actions are renamed (e.g., Rails calls it "show" but everyone else calls it "get"). * Handled by Arvados::V1::SchemaController#index (used to be in #discovery_document before #1750). See @config/routes.rb@ * Must be available to anonymous clients. * Has no tests! We test it by trying all of our SDKs against it. h2. Development patterns h3. Add a model In shell: * @rails g model FizzBuzz@ In @app/models/fizzbuzz.rb@: * Change base class from @ActiveRecord::Base@ to @ArvadosModel@. * Add some more standard behavior. <pre><code class="ruby"> include AssignUuid include KindAndEtag include CommonApiTemplate </code></pre> In @db/migrate/{timestamp}_create_fizzbuzzes.rb@: * Add the generic attribute columns. * Run @t.timestamps@ and add (at least!) a @:uuid@ index. <pre><code class="ruby"> class CreateFizzBuzz < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :fizzbuzzes do |t| t.string :uuid, :null => false t.string :owner_uuid, :null => false t.string :modified_by_client_uuid t.string :modified_by_user_uuid t.datetime :modified_at t.text :properties t.timestamps end add_index :humans, :uuid, :unique => true end end </code></pre> Apply the migration: * @rake db:migrate@ * @RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate@ (to migrate your test database too) * Inspect the resulting @db/schema.rb@ and include it in your commit. * Don't forget to @git add@ the new migration and model files. h3. Add an attribute to a model * Generate migration as usual <pre> rails g migration AddBazQuxToFooBar baz_qux:column_type_goes_here </pre> * Consider adding null constraints and a default value to the @add_column@ statement in the migration in @db/migrate/timestamp_add_baz_qux_to_foo_bar.rb@: <pre><code class="ruby">, null: false, default: false</code></pre> * Consider adding an index * You probably want to add it to the API response template so clients can see it: @app/models/model_name.rb@ → @api_accessible :user ...@ * Sometimes it's only visible to privileged users; see @ping_secret@ in @app/models/keep_disk.rb@ * If it's a serialized attribute, add @serialize :the_attribute_name, Hash@ to the model. Always specify Hash or Array! * Run @rake db:migrate@ and inspect your @db/schema.rb@ and include the new @schema.rb@ in the *same commit* as your @db/migrate/*.rb@ migration script. * Run @rake tmp:cache:clear@ and @touch tmp/restart.txt@ in your dev apiserver, to force it to generate a new REST discovery document. h3. Add a controller * @rails g controller Arvados::V1::FizzBuzzesController@ * Avoid adding top-level controllers like @app/controllers/fizz_buzzes_controller.rb@. * Avoid adding top-level routes. Everything should be in @namespace :arvados@ → @namespace :v1@ except oddballs like login/logout actions. h3. Add a controller action Add a route in @config/routes.rb@. * Choose an appropriate HTTP method: GET has no side effects. POST creates something. PUT replaces/updates something. * Use the block form: <pre><code class="ruby"> resources :fizz_buzzes do # If the action operates on an object, i.e., a uuid is required, # this generates a route /arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes/{uuid}/blurfl post 'blurfl', on: :member # If not, this generates a route /arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes/flurbl get 'flurbl', on: :collection end </code></pre> In @app/controllers/arvados/v1/fizz_buzzes_controller.rb@: * Add a method to the controller class. * Skip the "find_object" before_filters if it's a collection action. * Specify required/optional parameters using a class method @_action_requires_parameters@. <pre><code class="ruby"> skip_before_filter :find_object_by_uuid, only: [:flurbl] skip_before_filter :render_404_if_no_object, only: [:flurbl] def blurfl @object.do_whatever_blurfl_does! show end def self._flurbl_requires_parameters { qux: { type: 'integer', required: true, description: 'First flurbl qux must match this qux.' } } end def flurbl @object = model_class.where('qux = ?', params[:qux]).first show end </code></pre> h3. Add a configuration parameter * Add it to @config/application.default.yml@ with a sensible default value. (Don't fall back to default values at time of use, or define defaults in other places!) * If there is no sensible default value, like @secret_token@: specify @~@ (i.e., nil) in @application.default.yml@ *and* put a default value in the @test@ section of @config/application.yml.example@ that will make tests pass. * If there is a sensible default value for development/test but not for production, like return address for notification email messages, specify the test/dev default in the @common@ section @application.default.yml@ but specify @~@ (nil) in the @production@ section. This prevents someone from installing or *updating a production server* with defaults that don't make sense in production! * Use @Rails.configuration.config_setting_name@ to retrieve the configured value. There is no need to check whether it is nil or missing: in those cases, "rake config:check" would have failed and the application would have refused to start. h3. Add a test fixture Generate last part of uuid from command line: <pre><code class="ruby">ruby -e 'puts rand(2**512).to_s(36)[0..14]' j0wqrlny07k1u12</code></pre> Generate uuid from @rails console@: <pre><code class="ruby">Group.generate_uuid => "xyzzy-j7d0g-8nw4r6gnnkixw1i" </code></pre>