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Tom Clegg, 07/04/2014 01:12 PM

Hacking Python SDK


sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv libyaml-dev

Additional prerequisites for FUSE driver:

sudo apt-get install libattr1-dev libfuse-dev pkg-config fuse
sudo adduser "$USER" fuse
sudo chmod g+rw /dev/fuse
sudo chown root:fuse /dev/fuse

After installing fuse and adding yourself to the fuse group, you need to start a new login session. Make sure the groups command reports that you're in the fuse group.

Get the source code

git clone

Run tests

  1. Install your local (possibly modified) client library to a virtualenv
  2. Run the client library test suite
  3. Build a client library package and install it to the virtualenv
  4. Install your local (possibly modified) FUSE driver to the same virtualenv
  5. Run the FUSE driver test suite
  6. Build a FUSE driver package and install it to the virtualenv
Note: The test suite brings up a Keep server and an API server to run tests against. For best results:
  • Try Hacking Keep and Hacking API Server to make sure you have all the right dependencies for running the Keep and API servers.
  • Make sure you have a blob_signing_key in services/api/config/application.yml


VENVDIR=$(mktemp -d)
virtualenv --setuptools --system-site-packages "$VENVDIR" 

cd ~/arvados/sdk/python
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install -r requirements.txt
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install -e .
GOPATH="$HOME/gocode" "$VENVDIR/bin/python" -m unittest discover tests

"$VENVDIR/bin/python" egg_info -b ".$(git log --format=format:%ct.%h -n1 .)" sdist rotate --keep=1
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install dist/arvados-python-client-0.1.*.tar.gz

cd ~/arvados/services/fuse
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install -r requirements.txt
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install -e .
GOPATH="$HOME/gocode" "$VENVDIR/bin/python" -m unittest discover tests

"$VENVDIR/bin/python" egg_info -b ".$(git log --format=format:%ct.%h -n1 .)" sdist rotate --keep=1
"$VENVDIR/bin/pip" install dist/arvados_fuse-0.1.*.tar.gz

Updated by Tom Clegg over 10 years ago · 26 revisions