Installing controller service » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Tom Clegg, 06/15/2018 04:27 PM) → Revision 2/6 (Tom Clegg, 06/15/2018 05:35 PM)
h1. Installing controller service
refs #13497
Add to "upgrading to master" section of
* Create /etc/arvados/config.yml on your API server node, if you haven't already
* Add to /etc/arvados/config.yml: <pre><code class="yaml">
Listen: ":9004" # choose a port
Listen: ":8000" # must match Rails server port in your Nginx config
* Install the arvados-controller package on your API server node
* Update your Nginx configuration so incoming traffic for $ARVADOS_API_HOST is routed to port 9004 (or whichever port you chose for arvados-controller in your config).
** Add: <pre>
upstream arvados-controller {
** Update server section that currently forwards traffic to @http://api@: <pre><code class="diff">
server {
listen [your public IP address]:443 ssl;
server_name uuid_prefix.your.domain;
# ...
location / {
- proxy_pass http://api;
+ proxy_pass http://arvados-controller;
# ...
Update install docs:
* Add arvados-controller to the list of deb/rpm packages to install
* Create /etc/arvados/config.yml (as above)
* If using systemd, run @systemctl start arvados-controller@ and confirm running status
* If not using systemd, set up a supervised service using runit