Keep » History » Revision 1
Revision 1/26
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Tom Clegg, 04/10/2013 04:23 PM
The Keep storage system consists of data block read/write services, SDKs, and management agents.
The responsibilities of the Keep service are:
- Write data blocks
- When writing: ensure data integrity by comparing client-supplied MD5 digest to client-supplied data
- Read data blocks (subject to permission, which is determined by the system/metadata DB)
- Send read/write/error event logs to management agents
The responsibilities of the SDK are:
- When writing: split data into ≤64 MiB chunks
- When writing: encode directory trees as manifests
- When writing: write data to the desired number of nodes to achieve storage redundancy
- After writing: register a collection with Arvados
- When reading: parse manifests
- When reading: verify data integrity by comparing locator to MD5 digest of retrieved data
Updated by Tom Clegg almost 12 years ago · 26 revisions