


Multi-cluster user database » History » Version 17

Tom Clegg, 08/20/2019 02:23 PM

1 1 Tom Clegg
h1. Multi-cluster user database
It is sometimes desirable to share a single user database across multiple Arvados clusters. For example:
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* Clusters aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc, ddddd, eeeee are on different continents, but they use the same upstream authentication providers (ldap/google) and a given user either has access to all clusters, or none.
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* A down/unreachable cluster should not prevent any user from using _other_ clusters in the group -- even if the down/unreachable cluster is the one where the user's account was initially created.
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This requires some changes to login and token validation. (Currently, any given user account has a single "home cluster" that can issue or validate tokens for it.)
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h2. Logging in
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Each user should be able to log in to their account using any cluster, regardless of where/whether they have logged in previously.
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To achieve this, the participating clusters agree on a single authoritative "login cluster" where the user accounts are stored, and the others hand off authentication and token-issuing to that cluster.
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If aaaaa, bbbbb, ccccc, and ddddd designate eeeee as the login cluster:
* Login process on eeeee: unchanged
* Login process on aaaaa:
** aaaaa-workbench presents a link to aaaaa-controller's login endpoint (unchanged)
** aaaaa-controller redirects to eeeee-controller's login endpoint (leaving the "return_to" parameter alone)
** eeeee login process proceeds as usual: proxy through to RailsAPI, update the users table, redirect to aaaaa-workbench with the new token ("v2/eeeee-...")
* When aaaaa-workbench presents a token to aaaaa-controller, the token will have an "eeeee" prefix, so aaaaa-controller will ask eeeee to validate it, and cache the result
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h2. Configuration
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Non-login clusters need to know
* the login cluster's ID and API endpoint
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<pre><code class="yaml">
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      LoginCluster: eeeee
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        Proxy: true
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h2. Distributed database
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In the future, this can be extended by having all clusters in the group use a single distributed database for storing users and tokens with "eeeee" prefixes. For now, each non-master cluster will just continue to update its cached user record (if stale at token validation time) from the master cluster, and proxy update requests to the master.
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h2. Migration
45 17 Tom Clegg
Admin migration tool (given an admin token for each cluster) should load user lists from all clusters in the group, and merge non-eeeee accounts into new/existing eeeee-* accounts.
* The identity_url field no longer provides upstream auth info, so we'll need to match accounts by email address.