Platypus tutorial » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Bryan Cosca, 03/26/2015 12:23 AM) → Revision 3/4 (Bryan Cosca, 03/26/2015 12:24 AM)
h1. Running Platypus using Arvados This tutorial demonstrates how to call variants from high-throughput sequencing data using Platypus. Platypus is a research project by The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics. The Platypus page publication is available here: "Andy Rimmer, Hang Phan, Iain Mathieson, Zamin Iqbal, Stephen R. F. Twigg, WGS500 Consortium, Andrew O. M. Wilkie, Gil McVean, Gerton Lunter. Integrating mapping-, assembly- and haplotype-based approaches for calling variants in clinical sequencing applications. Nature Genetics (2014)": This tutorial introduces the following Arvados features: * How to run Platypus using Arvados * How to access your pipeline results. * How to browse and select your input data for Platypus Pathomap / Ancestry Mapper and submit re-run the pipeline. # Start at the "Curoverse": website and click Log In at the top. We currently support all Google / Google Apps accounts for authentication. By simply choosing a Google-based account, your account will be automatically created and redirect to the "Arvados Workbench": # In the *Active pipelines* panel, click on the *Run a pipeline...* button. Doing so opens a dialog box titled *Choose a pipeline to run*. # Select *Platypus *Mason Lab -- Ancestry Mapper (public)* and click the *Next: choose inputs* button. Doing so loads a new page to supply the inputs for the pipeline. # The default inputs from the Platypus Ancestry Mapper source code repository are already pre-loaded. Click on the *Run* button. The page updates to show you that the pipeline has been submitted to run on the Arvados cluster. # After the pipeline starts running, you can track its progress by watching log messages from jobs. This page refreshes automatically. You will see a complete label under the job the column when the pipeline completes successfully. The current run time of the job in CPU and clock hours is also displayed. You can view individual job details by clicking on the job name. # Once the job is finished, the output can be viewed to the right of the run time. # Click on the download button to the right of the file to download your results, or the magnifying glass to quickly view your results. h2. Uploading data through the web and using it on Arvados WIP h2. Uploading data through your shell and using it on Arvados WIP h3. FAQ WIP