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Tom Clegg, 03/27/2019 07:08 PM

Running tests

The arvados git repository has a script which tests (nearly) all of the components in the source tree. Jenkins at uses this exact script, so running it before pushing a new master is a good way to predict whether Jenkins will fail your build and start pestering you by IRC.


You have the arvados source tree at ~/arvados and you might have local modifications.

Install prerequisites

Follow instructions at Hacking prerequisites: "Install dev environment", etc. Don't miss creating the Postgres database, docker groups, etc.

If you're Jenkins

Run all tests from a clean slate (slow, but more immune to leaks)

~/arvados/build/ WORKSPACE=~/arvados

If you're a developer

Cache everything needed to run test suites:

mkdir ~/.cache/arvados-build
~/arvados/build/ WORKSPACE=~/arvados --temp ~/.cache/arvados-build --only install

Start interactive mode:

$ ~/arvados/build/ WORKSPACE=~/arvados --temp ~/.cache/arvados-build --interactive

When prompted, choose a test suite to run:

== Interactive commands:
test TARGET:py3        (test with python3)
test TARGET -check.vv  (pass arguments to test)
install TARGET
install env            (go/python libs)
install deps           (go/python libs + arvados components needed for integration tests)
reset                  ( used by integration tests)
== Test targets:
cmd/arvados-client              lib/dispatchcloud/container     sdk/go/auth                     sdk/pam:py3                     services/fuse                   tools/crunchstat-summary
cmd/arvados-server              lib/dispatchcloud/scheduler     sdk/go/blockdigest              sdk/python                      services/fuse:py3               tools/crunchstat-summary:py3
lib/cli                         lib/dispatchcloud/ssh_executor  sdk/go/crunchrunner             sdk/python:py3                  services/health                 tools/keep-block-check
lib/cloud                       lib/dispatchcloud/worker        sdk/go/dispatch                 services/arv-git-httpd          services/keep-balance           tools/keep-exercise
lib/cloud/azure                 lib/service                     sdk/go/health                   services/crunch-dispatch-local  services/keepproxy              tools/keep-rsync
lib/cloud/ec2                   sdk/cwl                         sdk/go/httpserver               services/crunch-dispatch-slurm  services/keepstore              tools/sync-groups
lib/cmd                         sdk/cwl:py3                     sdk/go/keepclient               services/crunch-run             services/keep-web
lib/controller                  sdk/go/arvados                  sdk/go/manifest                 services/crunchstat             services/nodemanager
lib/crunchstat                  sdk/go/arvadosclient            sdk/go/stats                    services/dockercleaner          services/nodemanager:py3
lib/dispatchcloud               sdk/go/asyncbuf                 sdk/pam                         services/dockercleaner:py3      services/ws
What next? 

Example: testing lib/dispatchcloud/container, showing verbose/debug logs:

What next? test lib/dispatchcloud/container/ -check.vv
======= test lib/dispatchcloud/container
START: queue_test.go:99: IntegrationSuite.TestCancelIfNoInstanceType
WARN[0000] cancel container with no suitable instance type  ContainerUUID=zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer error="no suitable instance type" 
WARN[0000] cancel container with no suitable instance type  ContainerUUID=zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer error="no suitable instance type" 
START: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest
PASS: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest   0.846s

PASS: queue_test.go:99: IntegrationSuite.TestCancelIfNoInstanceType     0.223s

START: queue_test.go:42: IntegrationSuite.TestGetLockUnlockCancel
INFO[0001] adding container to queue                     ContainerUUID=zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer InstanceType=testType Priority=1 State=Queued
START: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest
PASS: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest   0.901s

PASS: queue_test.go:42: IntegrationSuite.TestGetLockUnlockCancel        0.177s

OK: 2 passed
ok       2.150s
======= test lib/dispatchcloud/container -- 3s
Pass: lib/dispatchcloud/container tests (3s)
All test suites passed.

Running individual test cases

Most Go packages use gocheck. Use gocheck command line args like -check.f.

What next? test lib/dispatchcloud/container -check.vv -check.f=LockUnlock
======= test lib/dispatchcloud/container
START: queue_test.go:42: IntegrationSuite.TestGetLockUnlockCancel
INFO[0000] adding container to queue                     ContainerUUID=zzzzz-dz642-queuedcontainer InstanceType=testType Priority=1 State=Queued
START: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest
PASS: queue_test.go:37: IntegrationSuite.TearDownTest   0.812s

PASS: queue_test.go:42: IntegrationSuite.TestGetLockUnlockCancel        0.184s

OK: 1 passed
ok       1.000s
======= test lib/dispatchcloud/container -- 2s


What next? test sdk/python --test-suite=tests.test_collections.TextModes.test_read_sailboat_across_block_boundary
======= test sdk/python
running test
running egg_info
writing requirements to arvados_python_client.egg-info/requires.txt
writing arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to arvados_python_client.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to arvados_python_client.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing pbr to arvados_python_client.egg-info/pbr.json
reading manifest file 'arvados_python_client.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
writing manifest file 'arvados_python_client.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
test_read_sailboat_across_block_boundary (tests.test_collections.TextModes) ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.014s

======= test sdk/python -- 1s


What next? test services/api TESTOPTS=--name=/.*signed.locators.*/
# Running:


Finished in 1.080084s, 3.7034 runs/s, 461.0751 assertions/s.

Restarting services for integration tests

If you have changed services/api code, and you want to check whether it breaks the lib/dispatchcloud/container integration tests:

What next? reset                                # teardown the integration-testing environment
What next? install services/api                 # (only needed if you've updated dependencies)
What next? test lib/dispatchcloud/container     # bring up the integration-testing environment and run tests
What next? test lib/dispatchcloud/container     # leave the integration-testing environment up and run tests

Updating cache after pulling master

Always quit interactive mode and restart after modifying (via git-pull, git-checkout, editing, etc).

When you start, run "install all" to get the latest gem/python dependencies, install updated versions of Arvados services used by integration tests, etc.

Then you can resume your cycle of "test lib/controller", etc.

Other options

For more usage info, try:

~/arvados/build/ --help

Running workbench diagnostics tests

You can run workbench diagnostics tests against any production server.

Update your workbench application.yml to add a "diagnostics" section with the login token and pipeline details. The below example configuration is to run the "qr1hi-p5p6p-ftcb0o61u4yd2zr" pipeline in "qr1hi" environment.

  secret_token: useanicelongrandomlygeneratedsecrettokenstring
    active: yourcurrenttokenintheenvironmenttowhichyouarepointing
      template_uuid: qr1hi-p5p6p-ftcb0o61u4yd2zr
      input_paths: []
      max_wait_seconds: 300

You can now run the "qr1hi" diagnostics tests using the following command:

  RAILS_ENV=diagnostics bundle exec rake TEST=test/diagnostics/pipeline_test.rb

Updated by Tom Clegg almost 6 years ago · 65 revisions