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Ward Vandewege, 04/10/2013 05:35 PM

Source Tree Overview

Introduction to the source code of the Arvados services, components, SDKs, and sample applications (clients).


Component Name Habitat Notes
API server Arvados API server arvados:/services/api/
Content Addressable Storage server Keep arvados:/services/keep/
Authentication server Arvados SSO server arvados:/services/sso/
Documentation Arvados documentation arvados:/doc/ Build static html with jekyll: gem install jekyll; cd doc; jekyll; output in _site/
Command line client wh arvados:/sdk/cli
Rails SDK Rails SDK arvados:/sdk/rails
Python SDK Python SDK arvados:/sdk/python
Ruby SDK Ruby SDK arvados:/sdk/ruby
Web based console/dashboard Arvados Explorer arvados:/apps/explorer

Updated by Ward Vandewege over 11 years ago · 1 revisions