


Source Tree Overview » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Tom Clegg, 02/24/2014 11:30 AM) → Revision 15/18 (Tom Clegg, 02/28/2014 01:33 PM)

h1. Source Tree Overview and Implementation Status 

 This page indicates current implementation status for Arvados components, and where each component's source code can be found. 

 h2. Repository 

 The source repository is available from github. 

  git clone git:// 

 h2. Components 

 |*Component*                              |*Path in source tree*       |*Status / notes*| 
 |API server and metadata database         |/services/api/      || 
 |Pipeline Manager                         |/sdk/cli/bin/arv-run-* || 
 |MapReduce Engine                         |/services/crunch/ |Also see @/services/api/script/crunch-dispatch.rb@| 
 |Keep Content Addressable Storage server|/services/keep/     |Empty here pending rewrite. Server from Free Factories ( can be used for now. Free Factories is the Arvados predecessor.| 
 |Single sign-on authentication server     |(external)          || 
 |Documentation                            |/doc/               |See [[Documentation]]| 
 |Docker containers for Arvados            |/docker/            |Permits running Arvados in Docker containers on a local Linux system.| 
 |Command line tools (CLI SDK)             |/sdk/cli            |alpha.   @gem install arvados-cli@| 
 |Rails SDK                                |/sdk/rails          |Needs repackaging as a gem. Currently bundled with Workbench.| 
 |Python SDK                               |/sdk/python         |alpha.   @pip install --upgrade arvados-python-client@| 
 |Ruby SDK                                 |/sdk/ruby           |alpha.   @gem install arvados@| 
 |Perl SDK                                 |/sdk/perl           |alpha.   @PERLLIB={...}/arvados/sdk/perl/lib@ (package not published yet) | 
 |Workbench (web based console/dashboard)|/apps/workbench     ||