


Storing and Organizing Data » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Tom Clegg, 02/25/2014 12:19 PM) → Revision 3/33 (Tom Clegg, 02/27/2014 01:11 PM)

h1. 2014-03-26 Workflow sharing and dev tools 

 Sprint theme: *When I do something useful, I want other people to understand and use it.* 

 Demo: (still rough!) 
 # Run existing pipeline (choose from bundled pipelines: GATK, LobSTR, etc) 
 # Edit the pipeline (change version/arguments, add a component) 
 # Optional: edit a crunch script, push to git repo 
 # Run my new pipeline 
 # Share my new pipeline and my worked example (including data, tags, source code, etc) with all the users in the “my lab” group 
 # As another lab member: log in, find the shared workflow, inspect details, run it myself with my own input data.