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Tom Clegg, 11/04/2015 06:26 AM
Upgrading to master¶
What you need to know and do in order to upgrade your Arvados site to the latest master.
apt-get dist-upgrade
(TODO: best order to upgrade? other best practices?)
Notable changes¶
Some versions introduce changes that require special attention when upgrading: e.g., there is a new service to install, or there is a change to the default configuration that you might need to override in order to preserve the old behavior.
(Note to developers: Add new items at the top. Include a relevant commit hash (probably a merge), date, issue number/link, and considerations/instructions for those about to upgrade.)
2015-11-04: 1d1c6de removes stopped containers (see #7444)- arvados-docker-cleaner removes all docker containers as soon as they exit, effectively making
docker run
default to--rm
. If you run arvados-docker-cleaner on a host that does anything other than run crunch-jobs, and you still want to be able to usedocker start
, read the new doc page to learn how to turn this off before upgrading.
- Nothing relies on it yet, but early adopters can install it now by following (it is not yet linked in the TOC).
Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago · 38 revisions