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Tom Clegg, 02/03/2017 06:28 PM
Upgrading to master¶
What you need to know and do in order to upgrade your Arvados site to the latest master.
apt-get dist-upgrade
(TODO: best order to upgrade? other best practices?)
Notable changes¶
Some versions introduce changes that require special attention when upgrading: e.g., there is a new service to install, or there is a change to the default configuration that you might need to override in order to preserve the old behavior.
(Note to developers: Add new items at the top. Include a relevant commit hash (probably a merge), date, issue number/link, and considerations/instructions for those about to upgrade.)
2017-02-03: 74a9dec introduces a Docker image format compatibility check: thearv keep docker
command prevents users from inadvertently saving docker images that compute nodes won't be able to run.
- If your compute nodes run a version of docker older than 1.10 you must override the default to your API server configuration (
):docker_image_formats: ["v1"]
- Refer to the comments above
or source:services/api/config/application.default.yml or issue #10969 for more detail.
- On Debian-based systems using systemd, services are enabled automatically when packages are installed.
- On RedHat-based systems using systemd, unit files are installed but services must be enabled explicitly: e.g.,
"sudo systemctl enable keep-web; sudo systemctl start keep-web"
. - The new systemd-supervised services will not start up successfully until configuration files are installed in /etc/arvados/: e.g.,
"Sep 26 18:23:55 62751f5bb946 keep-web[74]: 2016/09/26 18:23:55 open /etc/arvados/keep-web/keep-web.yml: no such file or directory"
- To migrate from runit to systemd after installing the new packages, we recommend the following procedure:
- Bring down the runit service: "sv down /etc/sv/keep-web"
- Create a JSON configuration file (e.g., /etc/arvados/keep-web/keep-web.yml -- see "keep-web -help")
- Ensure the service is running correctly under systemd: "systemctl status keep-web" / "journalctl -u keep-web"
- Remove the runit service so it doesn't start at next boot
- Affected services:
- keep-balance - /etc/arvados/keep-balance/keep-balance.yml
- keep-web - /etc/arvados/keep-web/keep-web.yml
- keepproxy - /etc/arvados/keepproxy/keepproxy.yml
- arvados-git-httpd - /etc/arvados/arv-git-httpd/arv-git-httpd.yml
- Previous packages installed these files to the distribution's preferred path under
(or the equivalent location in a Software Collection). Now they get installed to a path under/usr
. This improves compatibility with other Python packages provided by the distribution. See #9242 for more background. - If you simply import Python modules from scripts, or call Python tools relying on $PATH, you don't need to make any changes. If you have hardcoded full paths to some of these files (e.g., in symbolic links or configuration files), you will need to update those paths after this upgrade.
- On each Debian-based compute node and shell node, run:
sudo apt-get install crunchrunner
- On each Red Hat-based compute node and shell node, run:
sudo yum install crunchrunner
- All software components that generate signatures must be upgraded together. These are: keepstore, API server, keep-block-check, and keep-rsync. For example, if keepstore < 0.1.20160421183420 but API server >= 0.1.20160421183420, clients will not be able to read or write data in Keep.
- Jobs and client operations that are in progress during the upgrade (including arv-put's "resume cache") will fail.
- If you want new users to continue seeing this popup, set
enable_getting_started_popup: true
in Workbench'sapplication.yml
- All compute nodes must be upgraded to arvados-fuse >= 0.1.2015112518060 because crunch-job uses some new arv-mount flags (--mount-tmp, --mount-by-pdh) introduced in merge 346a558
- Jobs will fail if the API server (in particular crunch-job from the arvados-cli gem) is upgraded without upgrading arvados-fuse on compute nodes.
- proxy/dns/ssl config should be updated to route "" requests to keep-web (alongside the existing "collections" routing)
- keep-web command line adds
- Workbench config adds
- More info on the (still beta/non-TOC-linked) keep-web doc page
- arvados-docker-cleaner removes all docker containers as soon as they exit, effectively making
docker run
default to--rm
. If you run arvados-docker-cleaner on a host that does anything other than run crunch-jobs, and you still want to be able to usedocker start
, read the new doc page to learn how to turn this off before upgrading.
- Nothing relies on it yet, but early adopters can install it now by following (it is not yet linked in the TOC).
Updated by Tom Clegg about 8 years ago · 38 revisions