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Tom Clegg, 10/01/2015 07:51 PM

Using Keep with Azure Storage (BETA)

Starting at #7241 keepstore can use Azure Storage containers as storage devices. Each data block is stored as a "Block Blob".

  • You can configure multiple Azure volumes
  • You can mix Azure and POSIX volumes
  • It is safe to share Azure volumes between multiple keepstore processes/hosts
  • Azure volumes can be marked readonly
Missing features:
  • The -serialize flag is not supported
  • There is no way to control the way the data is organized (named) in the container. The name of each blob is the hash of the corresponding data, e.g., 73feffa4b7f6bb68e44cf984c85f6e88.


  1. Install the azure CLI tool.
  2. Set credentials.
    azure login
  3. Set cli tool mode.
    azure config mode arm
  4. Create a resource group (unless you're going to use an existing one, of course).
    azure group create examplegroupname eastus
  5. Create a storage account (ditto). The --type argument determines storage replication policy; see docs
    azure storage account create --type LRS --location eastus --resource-group examplegroupname exampleaccountname
  6. Get storage account keys:
    azure storage account keys list --resource-group examplegroupname exampleaccountname
    (This will give you a base64-encoded key looking something like t3wfMAZ4/YBso7Jr5dtaR7gdrSJmdqzIv1iLofr/2xkZLqLwjj3iwV1YNYbjPUhewXYpp6KxmJUH9L3cfLALtw==)
  7. Create a container:
    AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=exampleaccountname \
    AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY="t3wfMAZ4/YBso7Jr5dtaR7gdrSJmdqzIv1iLofr/2xkZLqLwjj3iwV1YNYbjPUhewXYpp6KxmJUH9L3cfLALtw==" \
    azure storage container create examplecontainername

Configuring keepstore

Store the account key in a file with suitable permissions. (A trailing newline will be ignored, but don't put any other characters in there.)

cd /etc/sv/keepstore
(umask 077; vi exampleaccountname.key)

Update your run script. If you have an existing local volume, your run script might have this:

keepstore \
 -volume /data/disk0 -volume /data/disk1

If you want to change your local volumes to be readonly, and use the azure container to write new data, you'd change it to this:

keepstore \
 -readonly \
 -volume /data/disk0 -volume /data/disk1 \
 -readonly=false \
 -azure-storage-account-key-file ./exampleaccountname.key 
 -azure-storage-account-name exampleaccountname \
 -azure-storage-container-volume examplecontainername

Updated by Tom Clegg over 9 years ago · 2 revisions