


Workbench2 feature parity » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Peter Amstutz, 01/11/2019 06:54 PM) → Revision 3/4 (Bryan Cosca, 01/15/2019 08:20 PM)

h1. Workbench2 feature parity 

 h2. Feature list 

 Google Sheet 

 |_. Missing/buggy/incomplete feature|_. Note|_. Issue #| 
 |Responsive layout, reflows based on window width|horizontal layout is very bad|| 
 |\3. *Title bar*| 
 |Keyword search|there's UI for it but it doesn't seem to work as expected|| 
 |Go directly to page by pasting UUID or PDH into search||| 
 |Browse public projects|has "shared with me" but not public projects as such|| 
 |Link to Composer||| 
 |Link to manage git|incorrectly located on the admin menu|| 
 |"Link accounts" feature||| 
 |\3. *Dashboard*| 
 |there is no dashboard||| 
 |List of things currently running and recently finished||| 
 |\3. *Project page*| 
 |Edit name|technically possible, but no affordance for editing current project, can access actions through context menu on parent project or sidebar, updating name fails to update sidebar and breadcrumbs|| 
 |Textile formatted description, display and edit|offers HTML rich text editor, doesn't support textile|| 
 |Browse specific item type (collection, process, workflow, subproject, "other")|doesn't have "other" but we probably don't need it|| 
 |Visit item page|Must double click which is not a typical web app gesture|| 
 |Select individual items, select all/unselect all|no multi-selection|| 
 |Combine selected collections||| 
 |Copy selected item(s) to another project|single item only|| 
 |Move selected item(s) to another project|single item only|| 
 |Trash selected item(s)|single item only|| 
 |Run a process in current project|new process button appears to ignore current project|| 
 |Only show top level processes||| 
 |Manage sharing with users|sharing popup is confusing|| 
 |Manage sharing with groups|sharing popup only shares with users, not groups?|| 
 |Show most recent things first|can sort by date|| 
 |\3. *Collection page*| 
 |Display/edit textile-formatted description|Doesn't support textile, and doesn't offer the rich-text HTML editor either|| 
 |Display collection PDH, easy to copy||| 
 |Create sharing link||| 
 |Delete a file|Got "TypeError: fileViewers.filter is not a function"|| 
 |Rename a file||| 
 |Download file|Doesn't pass token to keep-web|#14671| 
 |View file in browser|Supposed to use "file viewers" feature but that feature is incomplete?|| 
 |select all/unselect all||| 
 |Deleted selected files|Confusing, can select files but not sure what action to use|| 
 |Extract selected files to a new collection||| 
 |Provenance/used by graphs||| 
 |Advanced view (API response)|a bunch of fields are undefined or null that should be filled in|| 
 |Navigate to collection by PDH, or show menu of collections with same PDH|I tried this and it just spun in a circle|| 
 |\3. *Work unit page*| 
 |Display/edit textile-formatted description|Doesn't support textile, and doesn't offer the rich-text HTML editor either|| 
 |Run summary (start/stop time)|Doesn't calculate run time, queued time|| 
 |request uuid|Available under "Details" sidebar, but sidebar is buggy, doesn't track currently viewed item|| 
 |who it ran as|(legacy code is using modified_by_user_uuid but this should be runtime_user_uuid)|| 
 |container uuid|has a link, but broken when you try to visit it|| 
 |runtime constraints|keys are mangled by capitalizing the first letter|| 
 |Link to Docker image|incorrectly linked (output_path is also incorrectly linked)|| 
 |command line|mangled with backslash quoting, no line breaks|| 
 |cwl.input.json with links to collections|opens a modal but display is broken|| 
 |live logs|live log is unreadable, rendered black-on-black|| 
 |See logs from collection|"Go to Log collection" text doesn't link to anything|| 
 |provenance, parent workflow (for child containers)||| 
 |Advanced view (API response)|Mangles keys so mounts like "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json" display as "varLibCwlCwlInputJson"|| 
 |Child processes with summary name, status, runtime|Layout is too compressed, can't read the name|| 
 |Get details of child processes|Cannot expand or visit child process from parent view|| 
 |Re-run, enable/disable container reuse|There's a re-run button but it doesn't seem to do anything|| 
 |\3. *Workflow page*| 
 |Display/edit workflow name||| 
 |Display/edit textile-formatted description||| 
 |Run this workflow|but layout is terrible, run action is scrolled off the right side|| 
 |Copy, move this workflow|no action or context menu|| 
 |Advanced view (API response)||| 
 |\3. *Multi-site search*| 
 |Manage remote sites|Page exists but I haven't tested it|| 
 |Keyword search across multiple clusters|Untested|| 
 |\3. *Manage ssh keys*| 
 |Use the "comment" part of the key for the default name||| 
 |List keys by name, key fingerprint|No key fingerprint|| 
 |\3. *Virtual machines*| 
 |Explain how to configure ssh to go through switchyard|Uses in the example|| 
 |\3. *Manage git repositories*| 
 |is under the "admin" menu not the "user" menu||| 
 |Link to individual git repository page|Only "attributes" popup.    uuid is blank|| 
 |\3. *Git repository page*| 
 |Rename repository||| 
 |\3. *Link accounts*| 
 |Add another login to this account, or use this login to access another account||| 
 |Log in as 2nd user||| 
 |\3. *Group page*| 
 |Rename group||| 
 |(workbench1 does not have user management on the groups page, neither does wb2)||| 
 |\3. *Users list for admins*| 
 |User page for admins|There's a "manage" action but doesn't seem to go anywhere|| 
 |Log in as user||| 
 |Set up shell account for user (general "set up" feature)||| 
 |Deactivate (unsetup) user||| 
 |Assign group membership||| 
 |\3. *Trash page*| 
 |Show trashed collections with name, parent project, date of trash/deletion, uuid/PDH, untrash button|Missing parent project|| 
 |Show trashed projects with name, parent project, date of trash/deletion, uuid, untrash button|Missing parent project|| 
 |Can select multiple and untrash all selected||| 
 |\3. *404 page*| 
 |Offer to untrash target if it wasn't found because it was trashed|Seems like the /collections endpoints just spins forever if you try to navigate to a UUID it can't find, wonder about other error handling|| 

 h2. Other stuff 

 * Loading projects is sluggish.    I haven't determined if this is due to running a development build of wb2, or if the underlying project/contents API being used is slow and needs to be optimized. 
 * Does not cover adding federation features to wb2