Customization » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Phil Hodgson, 04/05/2014 10:06 AM) → Revision 2/15 (Phil Hodgson, 04/05/2014 11:41 AM)
h1. Customization h2. Overriding Default Views, Partials, Templates, etc. It is possible to override any Rails view in the application by mimicking the directory structure in @app/views@ but under another folder @site_specific/app/views@. @app/views_site_specific@. For example, to use your own version of @_dashboard.html.erb@ in @app/views/pages@ you would put it in @site_specific/app/views/pages@. You can override the @#{Rails.root}/site_specific@ folder itself with the environment variable TAPESTRY_OVERRIDE_PATH, so that the folder can be left entirely outside of the Tapestry code base. It is important to understand that including this folder, any subfolders, and all files is _optional_. If you do not wish to override a particular view, leave it out of the override folder. @app/views_site_specific/pages@.