


Development cycle » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Tom Clegg, 06/08/2011 03:54 PM) → Revision 2/14 (Ward Vandewege, 06/08/2011 04:03 PM)

h1. Development cycle 

 h2. Writing and contributing code 

 Start a branch like username/master or username/rails3 

  git branch example/rails3 
 git checkout example/rails3 

 Do something trivial like 

 * add app/views/pages/specimen_collection.html.erb 
 * add link to it in app/views/pages/home.html.erb 

 Commit it 

  git add ... 
 git commit -m '...' 

 Push it 

  git push 

 Generate a pull request 

  git request-pull e68ab19^ e68ab19 

 Send the pull request to someone like Ward 

 h2. Merging code from other contributors/branches 

 Add other developer branch if you don't have it yet Get latest stuff 

  git pull 

 Switch Check out master branch (or whatever branch you want to pull the other branch new code into) 

  git checkout origin/example/rails3 master 

 (git will complain about being in a detached head state, but that's fine - just don't commit to this state) 

 Now look around, test 

  git log 

 Switch to production branch 

  git checkout rails3 

 Cherry-pick a commit 

  git cherry-pick e68ab19 

 Or merge the entire remote tree (this will fetch and merge but not yet commit) 

  git merge --no-commit origin/tomc/rails3 
 When you're happy,  

  git commit 

 Or rewind 

  git reset --hard rails3 

 Finally, push Push 

  git push