


Arvados 2.3.1


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points

Closed Sprints

2021-10-27 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
17742 Feature [deployment][provision] allow to provide custom SSL certificates

2021-11-10 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
12859 Bug keepstore no longer functioning with repeated errors: http: Accept error: accept tcp [::]:25107: accept4: too many open files; retrying in 1s
18313 Bug [arvbox] should use our standard golang version for bootstrapping
18318 Bug Update nokogiri gems
18309 Bug [gem] faraday dependency difference between arvados and arvados-login-sync
18183 Bug Investigate the need for token revocation when deactivating a user account

2021-11-24 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18361 Idea Release Arvados 2.3.1
18298 Feature Feedback when container can't be scheduled on LSF
18339 Bug SweepTrashedObjects scaling issues
17962 Bug [arv-copy] blows up when copying a project with a registered workflow in it
18346 Bug Login federation: request storm overwhelming login cluster rails api server
18387 Bug [keepstore] reports incorrect version number `dev` when run on the compute node
16957 Feature cwltool/acr checks for circular dependencies
18285 Bug Incorrect warning "Unknown hint"
18363 Bug Add missing documentation use case for protected managed properties without a function or value.
18340 Bug Deleting 'role' and 'filter' groups should delete them immediately
18336 Bug New httplib2 version 0.20.2 gets pulled from PySDK and causes issues
17635 Feature Support 'preserve_version' flag on
18215 Feature Use 'select' on collection updates to avoid returning manifest_text
18316 Bug arv-mount tries to save collection on file close even in read-only mode
16817 Feature Configuration option to grant users read access to "All users" group by default
17944 Feature add vocabulary validation to controller 3.0