


Arvados 2.5.0


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points

Closed Sprints

2022-04-13 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18700 Feature arvados-server boot - bring up workbench2

2022-04-27 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18699 Feature arvados-server boot - option to bring up multiple clusters for wb2 federation tests

2022-05-11 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18794 Feature cluster health check fails if some services are using different configs

2022-05-25 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
16345 Bug Health check checks for clock and version skew

2022-06-08 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19145 Bug Frozen project still writable
18947 Idea Move remaining services into arvados-server subcommands (keepproxy, keep-web, arv-git-httpd)
15370 Feature [arvados-dispatch-cloud] loopback driver
19169 Bug error with Single host Arvados setup
19175 Feature [Documentation] refactor the multihost installer page
18787 Bug Collection's file browser re-rendering issues

2022-06-22 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19201 Bug [documentation] when viewing old versions, warn the user
19007 Bug Investigate why the 3-dot action menu is gone in file browser
19146 Feature Return can_manage and can_write alongside writable_by



# Tracker Subject Story Points
19205 Idea In Go services, monitor request times and record when they continue processing after client disconnects, or exceed a maximum request time
19088 Feature Expose properties as S3 tags in keep-web
16561 Idea Add "Listen" to Services config
18948 Idea Container exit_code should be updated earlier, before copying staged outputs
19217 Bug Suppress sql logs from fixture/database reset in test suites
19093 Feature Process details should display a warning if "container_count" is greater than 1 (meaning it failed and was retried)



# Tracker Subject Story Points
19220 Feature Merge java sdk PR 169 from github
19139 Bug Regular users should not be able to create user records; creating a user does not make admin the "owner" of that user
19206 Bug System root user shouldn't be able to get disabled nor its admin status revoked
16552 Idea "arvados-server init" can get TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt
17807 Feature keep-web supports login flow
18858 Feature sync-users-tool for synchronizing users

2022-08-03 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19166 Feature Container shell support for SLURM and LSF dispatchers
19281 Bug diagnostics should default to an embedded hello-world docker image
19283 Bug Salt formula webshell upstream misconfiguration
19282 Bug Merge java sdk pr 170 from github
19249 Bug Verify that x-amz-meta headers from s3 API cannot contain unescaped newlines or other control characters

2022-08-17 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19379 Bug arvados-client diagnostics wildcard DNS test bug
19142 Feature Workbench 2: Avoid loading "mounts" section in the "Project" or "All process" view
18870 Support Walk BMS through updated/bugfixed install process again

2022-08-31 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19269 Feature "All users" group membership should be RW, not RO
18205 Feature [api] [cloud] add compute instance price to container record

2022-09-14 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
17344 Idea [boot] Make arvados-server-easy package suitable for demo use case

2022-09-28 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19362 Bug keep-web notices when collections accessed by uuid have changed
19567 Bug "Copy to clipboard" not including full URL in some places
19051 Bug Handle quotes in search strings correctly
19179 Bug Fix "account activity" in playground activity reports due to login-sync
19465 Idea Review hover behavior of the nav buttons at the top of the collection / process panel

2022-10-12 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19600 Bug collectionfs: include block locator in "block not found" error
18979 Bug Missing VM login, user names not rendered
19388 Feature Write audit log when new login happens or token is used
19594 Bug arvados-user-activity tool crash
19418 Bug [dispatch-lsf] Use InstanceTypes config to cancel containers with unsatisfiable requirements, not LSF "reason" string

2022-10-26 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
16073 Feature [Process view] Panels for inputs and outputs
19466 Feature Record input & output object on workflow steps as container request property
19603 Bug Installer fix to support container shell
19501 Bug unsetup should remove all sharing permissions for the deactivated user
18863 Feature add background job to controller to clean up old log records
18692 Feature Frozen projects workbench support
19629 Bug Upgrade workbench's nokogiri to address security issues with bundled libxml2
19311 Bug Project Search field auto-clears on first query, making the user to re-type the query.
19400 Bug Token created by login-sync on satellite expires after 5 minutes, causing login-sync to constantly create new tokens

2022-11-09 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19710 Bug Broken wiki links throughout the source
19687 Bug Logs not scrollable on Safari
19240 Bug Avoid open redirect in login process
19684 Bug Crash on workflow containing secrets
19234 Bug New keepstore s3 driver needs non-empty "region" to work with GCP
19319 Feature Display container price information
19582 Bug Enable UseAWSS3v2Driver by default on keepstore
19683 Bug arvbox broken by ruby dev dependency
19315 Bug Display "runtime_user_uuid" in details
18071 Feature Use postgresql advisory locks to prevent concurrent dispatcher / keep-balance processes
19631 Bug Subprocesses panel is not labeled
19563 Bug crunch-run upload step possibly buffers too much
19377 Feature [diagnostics] show health-check response
19300 Bug UX improvement in Multi Panel View component: panels state restoration on un-maximizing.
19569 Bug Add "open in new tab" to processes/subprocesses view

2022-11-23 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18797 Idea Flesh out python sdk documentation in docstrings & ensure good presentation in pydoc
19364 Idea Document use of diagnostics & health check to check running versions, config file matching, & overall cluster functioning
19698 Bug save_with_unique_name hides other transaction errors
19745 Idea Update dependencies
19627 Bug Remove the "Add user" button
19275 Bug Race condition in search bar auto-suggest
19712 Idea Drop Perl SDK
19702 Bug singularity failure "plugin type="portmap" failed (add): netplugin failed with no error message: signal: killed"

2022-12-07 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19215 Bug improve multi-node installer experience
19791 Idea Write Python SDK overview
19513 Feature Option to limit role group creation to admins only
18842 Feature Local disk keep cache for Python SDK/arv-mount
19700 Bug Process input panel JSON missing, also mishandles http URLs, also scrolling

2022-12-21 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19647 Idea Release Arvados 2.5.0 5.0
19434 Feature Collapse Left Hand Nav Bar 2.0
19462 Bug Use WCAG standards to decide on new color scheme for wb2
19849 Bug Fix arvados-cwl-conformance-tests jenkins job 2.0
19438 Feature Show resource requests for containers 3.0
19504 Feature Breadcrumbs bar showing parent workflow for workflows steps and output collections
19783 Bug Search in picking dialog 3.0
19872 Bug Too many open files error
19260 Bug Project Listing shows collections incorrectly as "Public Favourites" 2.0
19847 Feature Choose disk cache size based on RAM request 0.5
19690 Feature Project view has more options for columns
19851 Bug Log panel not loading all messages 1.0
19848 Bug Not rendering cwl_input / cwl_output 3.0
19878 Bug Upgrade rails-html-sanitizer from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4
19877 Bug Upgrade loofah to 2.19.1
19786 Bug Links on inactive user screen are not clickable
19691 Bug Project dialog errors cause it to get stuck 1.0
19840 Bug Gets confused by port numbers in docker image name 0.5
19732 Bug Error message incorrectly displayed when adding in key-value metadata in WB2 0.5
19862 Bug Upgrade nokogiri to 1.13.10 to address CVE-2022-23476
19686 Idea arvados.api() should return ThreadSafeApiCache