


Arvados 2.4.1


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
19143 Bug Display 'Workflow' records in the Project listing
16583 Feature Can programmatically distinguish between final outputs (results of top-level containers) and intermediate outputs.

Closed Sprints

2022-03-30 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
16672 Feature Live container logs panel

2022-04-13 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
18881 Feature Display container runtime_status
18834 Bug [Workbench2] uploading a file into a subdirectory of a collection does not work, file always goes into the root of the collection

2022-04-27 Sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
17301 Feature Special case report exit_code 137 as likely out of memory error
19054 Bug [documentation] clarify AWS credentials needed for local keepstore on compute
18888 Bug Error uploading Directory provided on the command line
19045 Bug Runtime status details don't render newlines
18894 Support [document] how Keep manifest size can be predicted/calculated
18994 Bug Changing basename does not change filename it materializes as
16068 Idea [Process view] Process panel main view data
18614 Bug CWL colon_in_output_path conformance test failing
18992 Feature Enable local keepstore on slurm/lsf if cluster config file already exists on compute node
18972 Bug "All processes" view reloading flicker
19011 Bug [api/wb1] nokogiri bump
18976 Bug [c-d-l] depends on arv-mount

2022-05-11 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19103 Bug Requesting a list on /arvados/v1/api_client_authorizations without a limit param returns an empty list
19077 Bug arvbox maintenance
19095 Bug Update singularity dependency to get loopback device fix
18995 Bug code cleanup
19015 Bug [xngs1] passenger native compilation issues
18978 Bug webshell is disconnecting immediately
18696 Support Migrate rna-seq training off of
19075 Bug wb1 & wb2 should always submit workflow runner without reuse

2022-05-25 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
16115 Feature Cannot create "sharing" links (missing wb1 feature)
18983 Bug [config-check] should warn when LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU will be ignored
19136 Bug Error enabling Frozen Projects support
17004 Feature Can set output_properties on output collection of a container request
19070 Feature --create/update-workflow should take owner into account uploading dependencies
19141 Bug Apply nokogiri security update (1.13.6)
19099 Feature Support "arvados-client shell" when using arvados-dispatch-cloud + singularity
19094 Bug crunch-run should log arv-mount and docker/singularity versions
19127 Bug spurious config warnings when using local keepstore on compute
19049 Bug VM admin interface rough edges
19126 Bug Disable nginx proxy caching for controller
19109 Bug Secondary files not found when input is optional; also expressions not handled correctly

2022-06-08 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19144 Bug Cannot copy collections on workbench1
19164 Feature [compute image builder] [AWS} add flag for public IP association
19069 Bug launch workflow improvements
19152 Bug Integration test 17879-ignore-sbg-fields failing



# Tracker Subject Story Points
19036 Support 19. Publish Java package
19017 Bug Release Arvados 2.4.1

2022-08-17 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
19052 Bug Advanced search shows wrong value in owner column