


Arvados 2.7.1


Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points

Closed Sprints

Development 2023-10-11 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20990 Bug Need a btree index for postgres to do efficient '=' operations on name
20937 Feature http-to-keep feature of arv-copy
20949 Support Playground sends user to workbench 2 by default
20891 Bug Incorrectly navigate to role group as project
21002 Bug Restore banner menu item doesn't always work, banner width
21033 Bug Upgrade dependencies to address security issues
19818 Idea Write docstrings for arvados.api 0.5
20885 Idea Revise Python docstring style for Markdown extensions 0.5
21028 Bug rocky8 package build failures

Development 2023-10-25 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20984 Bug Do not treat InsufficientInstanceCapacity as quota error 1.0
20825 Feature Extension to run subworkflow in its own runner
20526 Bug Sorting should break ties consistently (stable sort order)
21030 Bug Permission table slowness
20382 Feature Process/subprocess action menu should include "Cancel" 0.5
21086 Bug sdk/go/arvados should use TLS certificates from /etc/arvados/ca-certificates.crt if it exists 0.5
21077 Bug Background refresh should not trigger the spinner 0.5
19140 Support Document a process by which you would set up a service account 1.0
21055 Bug `arvados-server install -type test` fails when trying to edit /etc/sysctl.conf
19821 Idea Write docstrings for arvados.collection 1.0
15768 Feature Support multi-select operations
20933 Bug arv-copy needs to follow run: fields when scanning cwl dependencies
20225 Feature Let users choose collection subdirectories for workflow Directory inputs 2.0

Development 2023-11-08 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20978 Feature Support multiple candidate instance types to assign containers 3.0
21125 Bug Should default to PrefixLength: 3 for new installs
21067 Bug Process panel needs to handle trashed/deleted output and log collections properly
21025 Bug keep-web redirect bypass
20284 Bug duplicate username error on tordo
21124 Bug Separate request limits for API server and Keepstore
21026 Bug Sanitize HTML for XSS from "description" fields and anywhere else regular user content is included in Workbench pages

Development 2023-11-29 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20831 Bug User unsetup method does not consistently remove permissions in a federation
21211 Idea Add type annotations to documented PySDK modules 0.5
19830 Idea Write docstrings for arvados.util 0.5
21132 Idea Document request objects in arvados.api_resources 0.5
19302 Feature Left side panel changes 3.0
21137 Feature When using OpenID authentication with SSO, redirect user to a logout URL after doing browser logout
21126 Feature Keepstore volume flag to enable/disable delete on a volume 1.0
21189 Bug Timeout sending extremely large trash list
20609 Feature Progress bar showing state of subprocesses 1.0
21021 Bug Logging out from a satellite cluster does not log the user out from the login cluster. 2.0
21184 Bug Fix build pipeline for debian 11

Development 2024-01-03 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21206 Bug requesting_container_uuid missing from websocket events for container request create/updates
21089 Idea Release Arvados 2.7.1
21280 Bug Search panel layout issue
21204 Bug logging panel needs to use a stable sort
21227 Bug Keep-web golang stack trace panic on FLowjo job
21223 Bug arv-mount sets RLIMIT_NOFILE sufficient to --file-cache
21160 Bug User activation is slow on large clusters
21217 Bug keep-web error 500 timeout mounting collection
21262 Bug Upgrade dependencies to address security issues
21205 Bug ensure_unique_name logic is not robust enough